A Question about SketchUp & 3ds max
Im a new sketchup user. i realy like this!. I wanna export a 3d model from sketchup to 3ds max . whene i import my model to 3ds max I see a line arund any surface.
is there a way to export model from sketchup withoust this lines ?
I just did a forum search with the keywords "export 3ds" and this is what I found:
Hope it helps.Guite
Hi Mohsen, welcome here!
Apart from what Guite suggested, have a look at this tutorial at the old forum (now in GGroups) (I got it out of the iFrame because GGroups current interface does not let you see all the images. The original post is here.)
Also I move this thread (the "Requests" is a bit decieving name of this sub here...)
When you are exporting to 3ds...or anything else for that matter...you need to go into the export options (small, hiding-in-plain-sight button on lower right of export dialog box)and uncheck the Export stand alone edges box. You should only need to do this once.