Push/Pull from DXF
Befor I buy flattin I thought I would see if this problem can be resolve in SU.
Importing a DXF file. Push/pull and Paint Bucket does not work.
I work in a 2D program. So I the lines should be at zero.
It's already flat. It's just that complicated surfaces such as this are very difficult to fill. You'd be advised to download Todd's Makefaces.rb http://www.smustard.com/script/MakeFaces
That's all I used on the file.
Note: you will also need progressbar.rb
I managed ot get all the geometry to work properly by entering the component, selecting the outer rim and going tools->create face. I then selected the whole thing and intersected it with the model to get the middle details on the face.
There might well be a ruby out there that does this, but i dont know it.
EDIT: allan beat me to it, and good news on the ruby
Do you have any way to now use Push/Pull on what you painted.
I usally need 1" or 2" thickness.
What is progressbar.rb?
You will find that Push/Pull works perfectly normally on the file I posted. I haven't painted it, I have used Makefaces .rb to create a face there. The reason that you cannot use Paint or P/P on your version is that there is no face to work on. Dxf files typically import as lines-only; you need to create a face before you can do anything at all with them.
Progressbar.rb is another Ruby script which is required by Flatten.rb and certain other plugins. It places a small progress meter on the left hand side of the status bar when such Rubies are working their wonders.
I place the two plug-ins
- Make Face
- Progress Bar
in this path
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\Plugins
Is that correct?
Yes, thats right.