Dedicated download page?
Is there a dedicated page on the Podium forum / website where one can get all the downloads (application, manual, tutorials, materials, etc.) available? Much like the (ruby) repository of old the SCF used to have, or like the indexing thing SCF has going now?
It seems like it is spread all over the forum, maybe I'm just not searching correctly but I'm finding it a little difficult to download the stuff I need / want.
As far as i can tell msot of the downloads on on the first page you get after logging in, if you want tutorials you'll want to go to the FAQs section, and the forum of course.
Well, maybe I was just staring into my eyelids last night. I am a registered user and have registered my licence. I'll have a look again, but one would assume that the downloads would at least have been grouped, I hate scratching around to get the downloads required.
I found the correct page for downloading stuff earlier today. Thanks people!
Now to "mine" the forum for those little gems that sometimes hide away in there.