Newbie Problem
Hello Sketchers,
My name is Carlos and I'm trying to master Sketchup... a little bit!
But there's an issue that's driving me mad:
Often when I turn on shadows in Sketchy Pen style and export it, I get an image without the edges.I didn't change anything in the Style and exported the image with
3000x2061 instead of view size.I know I'm doing something wrong but can't figure it out by myself
Any help would be appreciated.
indeed, that is quite strange, ive had a bit of a play trying to reproduce it and cant do it.
My only suggestion would be to go to view->edge style and make sure display edges is ticked, although im not sure why you would be able to see the edges in the model and not in the export
Any chance of posting the model? It might make diaognosing the problem a little easier.
No problem Remus. Here it is.
(tested exporting scene 1 again and got the no edges problem)Thanks for the help.
Hi Carlos,
The problem (or it seems that rather a bug) IMO (though may be wrong) is in the sketchy edges. These are not vector but pixel (image) based lines and when foreshortened (and become "thinner" then they would display) simply disappear. When I mean a "bug", I base it on the fact that you can export without the shadows. I tried to play around the shadow settings in your file (turning off the ability of edges to cast shadow) but did not change the result.
See what Ross mentions about styles here:
(note that the link to the "original" topic he is referring is not valid any more). -
Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply!
I've read Ross Macintosh's explanation and that's probably why sketchup is behaving like this.
Funny thing is that changing the Shadow orientation fixes the issue (at least for the orientation that I choose).
As for the image that I wanted, I exported it as two files, one with shadows and another without them.
Opened the last one in photopaint and paste the "shadow image" as a layer (multiply). It did the trick.Thanks for your help