2D image generation from 3D model
I want to generate a 2D image (eg, .jpg) from any desired orientation/direction of the created 3D model. Is it possible with sketchup, if so, please let me know how. I am just a week in it. Thanks a lot in advance for your cooperation.
You can generate 2d elevations and plans easily. Go to the camera pull down menu and choose parallel projection; then choose your views.
For more information about 2D (reaster) output, read this in the SU Guide:
http://download.sketchup.com/sketchuphelp/gsu6_win/Content/K-Input_and_Output/Import_and_Export/IO-ExportImage.htm -
.... followingon, Use the Export from the File menue, You get a choice of 2D model. I've used this feature to resolve difficult photo problems. I export an elevation then open it in my photo program and fit the photo to the elevation and save it as a new JPG. When I open this one in SU as a texture, it fits perfectly.
Thanks a lot for these helpful information. I can really export 2D images quite easily now.