Toolbar question and Bezier Curve tool!
A week or two ago, I downloaded that great bezier curve tool, which I absolutly love BTW.
I would like to add it to the tool bar, but for now I have to keep going up to the top menu and scroll down for it.
I also use some of the key commands for tools such as push pull and pencil/line, and Move, but the black arrow tool/selection tool I didn't come across.Is there a list of tool commands that I missed?
As far as i know theres 2 different bezier curve tools. Theres one from someone (possibly rickW) thats quite extensive and covers poly lines and things. This has a toolbar which can be activated by going view->toolbars.
Theres also a bezier plugin from @last/google that only does 4 point bezier curves. This doesnt have a seperate toolbar, and if you want fast access to it, id suggest assigning a shortcut to it. To do this go window->preferences->shortcuts.
So the bezier spline bundle you mean (BTW that's Fredo6 not Rick). As Remus says; activate the toolbar from the View > Toolbars emnu.