How to type in fractions manualy?
Greetings all-
I am in architectual mode and am trying to enter in measurement directly on the keyboard. When I draw a line with the mouse, I see the length in the bottom right of the screen. After I release the mouse, I then type in the length
1' 4" then press enter - this works just fine lifes goodThen say if I want t type in Three and a Half Inches, so far I have been doing
Ex.3.5" - this works just fines for decimals lifes good.
Ok, here is the problem I am having, i know the fraction/decimal conersion for 1/4s and 1/2s, etc. but for fractions like 15/16 or 8/32nds I don't know the conversion to decimal.
Assume I draw a line with the mouse then release the mouse, is their a way to type in a parital fraction distance, examele, Three Feet, Four Inches & Fifteen Sixteenths? in a non-decimal format in archectual mode?TYVM
it is simply a case of writing it into the VCB, so for your line you would write 3' 4 15/16"
hope that helps