Artlantis Site Down?
Thanks james
It's ok now
Hi All
Hack attack on Artlantis server and it will be down until fixed.
I just had an Email from Alain Picard in that regard.
Email will still work if needed.dtr
Alan is right it is back up.
Thanks for checking guys.
Hi folks.
I have not been able to get to the Abvent forum at this address since at least last friday (march 7 2008):
In fact, the whole site seem unaccessible.
Artlantis site seems in the same state of non availability.
As of today (march 11 2008), both sites are still not responding.
Best regards.
Hm... It does not give a 404 (not found) error but the page seems to be totally emty (nothing is shown even having a look at the souce code).
The site has been down for quite a few days now. Not sure why but I am hoping it will come back up soon. It would not be a first for Abvent.....