22" goodness
I don't think its possible to achieve this Dylan. What SU really needs is the same layout function that Photoshop has where you can save the location of your toolbars and if they move you can reload them to you preset in seconds.
Regarding toolbars, in my day job I am the only person in our company who uses a digitizing tablet for CAD work. The difference of screen 'real-estate' is amazing compared to my colleagues who have toolbars visible en-mass. I dont think the tablet would ever be useful for use with SU though.
yeah tell me about it... I have of 36inches of width and it's a real pain to get everything where you want it.... close SU and re-open and then have to do it all over again.
Kris, my desk is a bit of a mess at the moment - no way I'm taking pictures of it and plastering my messy desk all over the Internet.
I'm really enjoying the new monitor, took a little calibration to get the colours / contrast / brightness right.
Nice to hear that the 226BW is great, Juju. I bought it myself today, but it is still in it's package. Very exciting, but great to know it satisfies an other SU-User.
I don't want to concern you Juju but maybe you could have a look at this site
In the store i bought it, we opened up two packages but samsung already replaced the stickers and the hidden menues, so i will never know what type i own...
how about yours? -
I've read quite a few articles and realise that there are (were) three different models of the Samsung 226 BW. The worst of the lot was reportedly the C panel. In almost all cases the apparant image quality (or lack thereof) was able to be corrected by setting up the color profiles from scratch (using a calibrator of sorts).
However I have yet to come across someone who has bought a Samsung 226 BW who isn't satisfied with it. From what I can tell the Samsung 226 BW has been replaced in the Samsung product line.
On the point of which panel I have in my monitor, I don't know. I've tried all the conventional methods of checking (the label and the service menu) but reference to which panel was used has been removed. The only way left to check would be to strip the monitor down to the panel level and check the marking on it, but this would void warrentee and is thus not an option at this time.
these tricky samsung engineers...
so we'll never know.
But so far I'm satisfied with my Display, maybe I could find someone who's got an eye-one for display calibratings... -
Has anyone resolved the toolbar issue? They keep restacking to the left. Still no way to lock in place?
lapx, not AFAIK. Sometimes my menus get all messed up, it only takes a minute to sort it again, but it is such a pain doing it every now and again.
Maybe post it as a request for the next version of SU.
Hmmmmm. I've got a ViewSonic 22" widescreen and don't have a problem with the toolbars or floating windows - they're always where I left them. Have you tried starting SU, moving your menus where you want them, and then saving it as your default template?
I recently bought 2x30'dell monitors, it is a complete move to simplicity, the display is something like 2350*1560 and is the size of a A1 sheet; no need to say it avoids a lot of zooms and is favorable to discuss around the display.The day after they get it , the 2 persons had granted it like normal, and I was obliged to quest for a "yes it is better than before", to justify to me the amount of money, because we had to change the computer too with a good graphic card.
Marc -
I dont think i've got room for one 30" let alone 2! your lucky man indeed