NoTwist using Joint PP
In your .skp you mention choice "J". I don't have that listed in my PullDown menu.
Has there been newer release of the ruby or is this a typo?
@jclements said:
In your .skp you mention choice "J". I don't have that listed in my PullDown menu.
Has there been newer release of the ruby or is this a typo?
"J" is what it says on the tool icon if you have it turned on... there are two icons- both with a push/pull looking graphic and one has a J .. the other has a V
"J" for "Joint PP" (briefly and roughly perpendicular to faces) and "V" for "Vector PP" (in one direction).
I had forgotten about the toolbar.
I am sorry dtarch but I do not understand how you get from the extruded line to the (not twisted) road in your example file ?
If I JPP de extruded line I do not get your result. any help ?
erikB -
Where can I find the extrude vector 2 points ruby?
I have a separated ruby that extrudes by vector but I do not remember where I got it. BUT the function is also available in the projection ruby by Didier Bur witch you can find on this forum.
greetings, erikB -
Thanks for the reply, I will try find the separate ruby, if anyone knows where I can find it I would appreciate the help.
solo, I looked it up in the ruby and the initial ruby was also by Didier. So I guess I can put it here on the forum since it was a free ruby. If I couldn't please let one of the mod's remove it.
greetings erikB
Thank you, I would never have found it as the name is different to the one I was searching for.
Sorry to miss all the problems finding the ruby.
FYI I draw a vector in the direction and height needed.
It can be anywhere as it is just a reference entity.
If snapped to the line to extrude it is a good idea to group the vector reference.You can see it in my first scene.
Hope this helps a bit.
dtrarch which version of the JPP script are you using? because mine doesn't allow to set "normal to blue axis". is it a different version, or am I just doing something wrong?
thanks for your perfect workaround for creating 'correct' roads. I suggest using this approach to generate appropriate surface for the road (from simplified road contours) and then draping the exact shape of the road on this surface to get precise road surface
all right - I guess that the 'missing' normal to blue axis is not available in the graphical JPP.
this is what fredo6 says about setting privileged plane in his visual edition:
@unknownuser said:
For Joint Push Pull, you can set the privileged plane by using short cuts Ctrl+Arrow, or just pressing Ctrl to enter a mode where you can specifiy any plane visually.
I am sorry dtarch, but I still don't get it !
I know how to extrude the line, that is not the problem but how do you get from the vertical plan thus created to the PP road using the ruby ?
I tried all the differt ways to JPP but couldn't reach your result. I clearly missing somethingAny clarification ?
erikB -
Hi erikB
Here is the sequence.
1-an inclined curved path was created with grouped vector on z axis to use as the extrude by 2 points path.
2-using the [extrudelinetool] ruby (by 2 vector points) the path was extruded up the z axis.
3-the face created was selected and the [J] icon for the Joint PP was selected using the settings per my post.(use the [tab] to access same.
4-the tool was then used to PP the face and it was done.
Hope this clears things up for you.
Thanks dtarch, got it now. It was the crtl-arrows function in conjunction with the jpp that did the trick. Sorry for the hassle.
greetings, erikB -
Glad to help
Of course a no-twist extrude along path would be the real answer but jointPP will work pretty well and glad to have it