SketchUp Junior Forums beta test
I think this is perfect for my young nieces...though I haven't had the opportunity to introduce them to SU (yet! :`) Another safe place to learn by sharing on the net.
You mentioned somewhere guests won't have the ability to post: so that means an ol'fart like me is free to visit from time to time to see and learn from younger minds? I certainly hope so!
Guests cannot post here eithe, Tom. But it seems that it's high time to introduce your nieces to SU already!
I also have a nephew who is quite computer (and sciences) oriented. I might get him to give SU a shot, too. Also this would be a perfect place for him to practise his English! -
///First off, many children that play around with SketchUp don't feel at home here, among the adults. Why is that you might ask. Well, without naming individuals (we'd like to protect their privacy) we've had a couple of instances where these kids were posting very basic questions and often the same questions over and over. Now I hate to say this, but this was bothering some older members.\
Tell those older members to be patient and make sure those kids post in the newby forum.
///Second, there is a HUGE potential risk that children might be targeted by pedophiles. Now to be honest, I didn't want to phrase it like that, but that is really what it is about. This board offers NO protection for children. As Solo points out above (see also my response to that below) we should turn off the Private Messaging system. What's more is that here anyone can register. At the SJF only people can register whom we know are children, because they are children from existing members here.\
%(#BF0000)[Children must not be alone. If any of us here want our kids to learn SketchUp we start to teach them. And once they learn and if they want to participate in this forums far apart from us we will teach them to go to the newby forum to get started.
They are our kids. They will be with us. They will be safe.]I see much more risk in dividing. And that is why you have to take so much precautions. Besides, this forums are about learning. It is like a school.
There is no need for a kindergarden. There is the Newby forum. They will learn with us and they will play by themselves and share. And we will take care of them. That is what a family is about and what a school is about. We keep together and we help to grow.
I hope you understand.
Juan, I absolutely agree with all you said, and my first thought when I heard about this effort was too the junior forum would be best served as a part of these...
...but: I'd like to see a separate place for kids to feel comfortable posting their "whatever they think is great (with no nevermind to what the grownups think)" from refrigerator art to sky's the limit. A place we grownups don't post our stuff or talk about SU in our terms. This, I think, is an excellent idea.
Also there was a long discussion here but at the old board about some kids' corner at the noard and most of the people who contributed said that they didn't want such a thing and a separate forum would be better.
Certainly we could've created a simple category here (even in a way that you couldn't have seen so no bother would have happened) but now this seems to be a better solution.
Are we putting the cart before the horse? I wasn't aware of a great demand from younger readers for a separate forum - or any forum for that matter. The suggestion came from an adult, not a child. Do we know the age of any of the members? Show me some numbers. Are we creating a forum in the hope people will join, or do we have people lined up waiting for a forum to be created?
Also, age is only one measure of a person; and age is less important than maturity, skill, talent, passion, potential, or ambition (need I go on?)
@unknownuser said:
I would say that age isnt importent, I was 15 and i lived already on my own for example.
So i think the real age is in our mind, So maybe a "entry" render would do for picking out people with enough skills and who havent, And place them with people who are on the same level?Regards,
KiraNLIf we do that, how the unexperience will learn? A forum just has the idea of bringing all kinds of people together. I have also learnt so much over the times on these forums that I would miss very much now if I hadn't.
Yeah did think the same after posting it,I would rather hear some advice from someone with more exp too.
But deleted it as with was more foccussed on the safety of kids then skills i think. -
Actually, as was also mentioned above, there was an issue about crating a "playground corner" for kids here under SCF some months ago. Then the majority of the members who expressed their ideas said that they'd rather see this playground outside of SCF. Now it's going to be outside.
It may become a nice experiment so let's just see what happens - but as it will be a separate place now, we really need to make it safe for them.
There are already a couple of "candidates" so I hope they will enjoy themselves and finally I can even imagine that they will come out with some incredible things.
OK guys, this is where it started:
Go through the thread, please, and observe that not everyone would be glad if kids posted their works in these forums. In this case I do still think that for a 12-y-o it was a nice model. Others may think differently and if they express their thoughts, these kids may get discouraged very easily (as Oli has never come back for instance and never even re-registered at SCF2).
Also a discussion started already at SCF1 has been going on about this. I don't know why some people didn't express their ideas in that topic yet so it looks like those who have been working on implementing these ideas now seem to need to defend themselves.
Please, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to rant with anybody but sometimes I just cannot understand things. Maybe that's the language gap (as I'm not a native speaker of English).
And Juan, this is not onlypedophiles at all.
Bottomline: If this new forum is successful it is a great idea that worked...if not, it is a good idea that didn't.
///You know Juan, why don't YOU tell them that? I recall several threads about this, back at the old SCF1 forum and the old forum. Remember when SketchUp Free came out? I'm sure you recall the many posts in the Corner bar at about the same 'How to make a dome shape?' questions over and over again. I watched those topics closely and I didn't see you posting in there ever. So now that we come up with a place where these juniors can post you say "no".\\You are in a deep error.
I posted there and I said people who were afraid of the FREE VERSION were people without confidence in themselves. And I said it clear and more than once. And I keep saying the same.
Tell me who they are and I will tell them.
Apart from this,I think you are obsessed with the pedophiles.
Clean your mind, please.
Be objective.Calm
@gaieus said:
I also have a nephew who is quite computer (and sciences) oriented. I might get him to give SU a shot, too. Also this would be a perfect place for him to practise his English!
i agree with you,... maybe i can learn English from him either
///And Juan, this is not only pedophiles at all.\\who else ? ...perversion ?....criminals.. ? ...
I think you should clean your mind too Gai.
I am starting to think that that believe about conspiracies has gotten deeper.
Maybe is the time for me to move unless I can get Coen back on the right track again. -
I tihnk what juan is tryign to say is that most peole arent peodphiles, and the few who are are unlikely to come looking for targets here. Sayign that, im going to have to side with gai and coen on this. With the internet being the vast unrestricted place it is it wouldnt be too hard for a peodphile to stumble find this forum and potentially abuse it.
Maybe the best thing is to just warn young peole about the problem and ask them to report any suspicious behaviour?
Thanks for your comprehension Remus.
Coen, I´m sad you had that experience you tell.
Nevertheless I still think you see phamtoms everywhere.
Lets try to take it easy.
You have my support.
I like this idea...
My boys (twins) just turned 6 this week, and they've modeled in SU since they were 3yrs old... and love it. "I'm going to work on my model now, dad... ok?!"
I'd like to sign up my boys so they can post some of their work for their peers. Personally, I like their earlier work when they were freer and less self-critical/self-consious. I never critique their work, I just let them go... but seems like they were just more 'free and wild' when they were 3.
@juanv.soler said:
///And Juan, this is not only pedophiles at all.\\who else ? ...perversion ?....criminals.. ? ...
I think you should clean your mind too Gai.
I am starting to think that that believe about conspiracies has gotten deeper.
Maybe is the time for me to move unless I can get Coen back on the right track again.Juan, my whole post was NOT about pedophiles - I was just posting when you were as well and you were faster so I added that line. And if you read carefully, I did say "this is notonly pedophiles at all"
So I am asking you whether you have read my post (and followed the links) or your eyes are only sharpened to the word "pedophile"?
And also asking you whether you have participated in the conversations when people at the board were formulating this idea and planning a place for kids - and added your ideas THEN? These topics were open to anyone and as I can still follow the old posts (thank god and the transfer team we have managed to bring them over here) most people agreed on creating a forum like this.
I did follow your links.
My eyes were not sharpened to the word "pedophile".
I did not post on that thread for I found not special interest on it.
I probably had not said anything here if the new forum were been done.It has been this thread and all the fear about it that has made me post.
Anyway, do whatever you like.
I think you are lost in the details of things and dont get the spirit.
Maybe one day.
Sorry Juan if I seemed to hurt you - believe me that wasn't my intention.
Actually for me this whole pedophil issue does not seem to be so serious - but it may only be so because I (and other in my environment) have never had bad experiences (thank God).
And look from this side: we can try this and if it happens to be successful, it's great. If not, we can still admit it but at least we have tried to provide kids with a place to show off their skills and/or to learn.