Pointer not aligned with cursor icon. Can anyone advise?
Got a new laptop running Windows Vista. Now when I try to point at an object it actually picks a point approx 40 pixels below the cursor. I am getting very frustrated trying to estimate where to click. This is only a problem when using SU.
Any ideas?Thanks
Please post some information on the hardware configuration and version of SketchUp you're using, it often helps with trouble shooting these type of things.
I managed to figure it out.
I used the Compatibilty Wizard in located in the control panel, changed settings to open as Windows XP and disabled the Desktop Composition
This worked perfect.
The Laptop is a 1.5Ghx Dual Core with 2Gb Ram & 160Gb HDD with shared graphics. Using SU 6. Hopefully this may help anyone who encounters this problem in the future
Thanks Juju for quick response!Warran
I have the same problem
, at the top of the working window (all the width long) there is a blank row about the same distance (40 pixels high), I´m using Win Vista too, with a Intel dual core procesor T2310 1.46ghz, 1 GB ram.
Please Help.
So this might be a new variant of the well-known problems SU has with onboard graphics chips (usually Intel) that are not OpenGL-compliant.
Try the options in Window>Preferences>OpenGL: First turn off "Fast Feedback" and restart SU. If that doesn't help, turn off "Hardware Acceleration" and restart SU. If it now looks OK, you have verified that it is a graphics driver problem.
Working with Hardware Acceleration off slows down SU, but it is often the only option with laptops, as they usually have no graphics upgrade options. On a desktop machine it is often possible to add a real graphics card.
@antoino6911 said:
I have the same problem
, at the top of the working window (all the width long) there is a blank row about the same distance (40 pixels high), I´m using Win Vista too, with a Intel dual core procesor T2310 1.46ghz, 1 GB ram.
Please Help.
Have you tried to change the compatiblity mode as I stated previously? It has somethiung to do with the desktop composition (The Vista visual effects, 3D flip of open windows etc...)
Right click on Sketch up icon, click "properities", goto "compatibilty", choose "Windows XP (SP2)" under the "Run this program in compatibilty mode for:" also tick the check box "Disable desktop composition"
that worked for me, give it a go and let us know how you get on
Thank you Very Much wazza27, now it´s working perfect.
You're welcome!