Need help animating (rotating) logo
I made a 3d-version of a logo, and now I want it to rotate, but the object doesn't rotate like I want it to...
this is the original logo(without the text):
This is what I have
Please help me...Grtz BurtsThis is what I have
Hi Burt,
That logo looks like the little logo that comes up when I take a
photo on my Nokia phone.I notice that you don't have the ribbons going all the way around
in the model?If I were going about making a rotating logo, as a movie that is,
I'd take a movie screen shot while the object is spinning. There
is a function in SketchUp that does the rotation ..... but where
is it located? Its been so long since I used it. Maybe someone
elaborate on this suggestion?Mike
That's not quite like I wanted it to be. It has to replace the internet explorer logo in internet explorer 4-6. It has to rotate just like that. Thanks for the help anyway.
This is great!! Could you please post the sketchup-files of the three logo's? We will use one as the internet explorer thing, and the other as screensaver...
I would think that you would much prefer a logo rendered out of a ray tracer, as opposed to SU. You will get a much product, IMHO, once you can incorporate reflectivity, radiosity, and a custom lighting set up.