A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted but now you are a moderator and Coen has just decided to use a different software and guess who gets to move all the topics...
I wish I had a cookie right now.
Granted. That porn site you visited while at work has placed a cookie in your computer.
I wish we would have an early Spring this year.
Granted but now there is too much rain and you have to do twice as much spring cleaning
I wish that I could get my pc to work properly
Granted. You asked Paul above and after he fixed it he had a breakdown.
I wish that just because I listen to people respectfully they would not talk my ear off.
Granted, now nobody talks to you and you are lonely.
I wish my headache would go away.
Granted, now your wife has it and you truly begin to suffer.
I wish I knew as much about my subject as people think I do
Granted... Know-It-All
I wish my wife did not have a headache.
Granted - she does'nt really have a headache. {now doesn't that make you feel better}.
I sort-of wish I felt like working...
Granted. You become a workaholic. Your girlfriend/wife gets fed up with you never being there and departs for greener pastures.
I wish I hadn't stayed up 'til 3 am last night.
Granted, but you slept in until 3:00 p.m. this afternoon.
I wish to have a great time paging in Olimpia next month.
Granted but when you get back your computer crashes and it takes you a month to get it up and running again. And face it, by that time the excitement is gone and you just don't care to tell us about it.
I wish I could focus on my current project.
Granted. You are so focused that you ignore anything relating to your other projects, like email, phone calls...
I wish my flu left me - without attacking my family
Granted, your flu has flown, but your get up and go also got up and went with it.
I wish I knew what paging in Olimpia meant. (Sounds an a lot like office tea boy to the gods.)
Granted, paging is where you're a type of errand boy for the government, and Olimpia is the capitol of Washington, USA, not to be mistaken for Washington D.C. But now you are telling everyone that you know and are annoying them so much that society rejects you.
I wish that explorer wouldn't crash upon booting.
Granted but honestly, why did you buy a Ford. Fix Or Repair Daily
I wish for a restful nights sleep.
Please find enclosed "A restful nights sleep" (c)
Warning may cause drowsiness, not to be used whilst driving or using heavy machinery.
SU pharmaceuticals are not responsible for any side effects such as not waking up, missing work, spontaneous combustion, narcoleptic episodes, violent mood swings, rabid turrets syndrome or drowning in your own soup.
"A restful nights sleep"(c) should never be used without the aid of SU pharmaceuticals patented "Straight jacket and restraint system"(c).I wish the voices in my head would stop partying until 3 in the morning and turn the music down, I've repeatedly banged on my head with a hammer but they still wont shut up.
Granted but the voices are notable by their absence and you miss them.
I wish that SU Pharmaceuticals made something for Paul to stop him using a hammer.
Granted. The new Use a Drill pill is working like a charm. (Did you hear about the guy who used a pneumatic framing nailer to put three nails in his skull?)
I wish I could get that image out of my mind.
Granted - Nails-in-the-head image has faded. However, you now have 'stuck' in your head what the fat lady stuck in the bathtub must have looked like to the parametics tasked with freeing her.
I wish Mr. Schreiber luck in getting that image out of his mind!
Granted... but come on, what is wishing going to accomplish?
I wish for more snow here in Madison Alabama.