Calatravas Turning torso
It's stunning, Kwistenbiebel..!!
Only crit would be on the missing DOF and the shadow the building cast seem a bit too strong/sharp...
But apart from that it looks really awesome!!
Just something curious, for me. I live in Spain, at 8 kilometres from the Castle of Calatrava "The Old", there was an arabian city called "Calatrava" (Qalat - Rabah, the castle of Rabah, in arabic language), the origin of Calatrava Surname.
Wow, now it's MUCH better!
In the first image, the contrast betwen the little blurry (back)ground image and the sharpness of the tower was a bit contradictional.I like the second maybe the most though...
Nice renders, nifty little trick with the aerial image, the second try defintely turned out much better, blends together much nicer, but I agree with Gaieus, the upshot is my favorite.
Very nice Biebel.
I too prefer the upshot, the down shot is a difficult one to pull off with DOF and shadow matching.
Modern Babel tower by Biebel
That last one is PERFECT..!!
Well done, Kwistenbiebel... -
Thank you frederick
I tried to increase the contrast towards the upper part (using the depth map) so it would jump in a bit more. Also I skipped the physical sky completely and went full HDR (IBL light)for softer shadows.
There is still a lot of room for improvement imho but I am going to leave it as it is... -
The last one is fantastic and yes using the hdri environment map softened the shadows on the ground and totally blends in.
I have something for you:
Try to do the Chicago Spire with sketchup, and then try to do remake that video...
Seriously, you must see that, it's fantastic.
bogles at render time if video
your stuffs jsut as good kwisten
Holy cow...
I think I just wet my pants...!!
That's just awesome..!!To quote Solo...
@unknownuser said:
he must have used the 'big brother' computer that conspiracy theorists like myself believe to exist to put that scene together.
Some years ago I heard that Calatrava has a team of engineers and architects.
He arrives to the place where the new building is going to be started. Sits, and starts painting. After that, he gives the painting to his team and he says "I want that you do this and this".
His team starts to ask theirselves what the hell the paintings mean
That's an awesome video.
It's a pity we don't have a render software developer for SU that supports animation at the fullest (besides Artlantis but I'm not a fan of the radiosity engine they use).I don't expect any of the 'unbiased' engines (Maxwell/Fry/Indigo) to come up with a good animation tool. So I keep my eyes open for the 'biased' ones like Vray and Podium v2.0 in the near future.
Another possibility for photoreal animation, would be having a 'light/texture baking tool' so we can replace the ordinary SU textures by the baked photoreal ones (= in 1 render cycle) and use that in a normal sketchup animation session.