Here we go again with the spyware...
thanks for the report tom...
yes I'm getting the same thing on IE
download Firefox here to steer clear for the time being...
log any pages like Tom has done please... this helps us report any information we have
I'm also seeing this link before it gets to the intended page.
I saw that same link, Kris, when trying to go to open a thread or go back. I also had a message stating Microsoft was trying to install a program to click on the window to allow it (which I didn't, of course).
next time anyone sees that microsoft authorization window, please screen shot it.
Got one same story no screeny
I'm using IE and I haven't gotten any message like that. I do have pop-up blocker on from the google toolbar though.
a couple of hours ago i got some strange behaviour when trying to acess some threads. i would get an empty screen instead of the usual postings. had to do it twicw to get it right.
Me too, sent a PM to Gaieus. Din't see this thread. I got pop-ups and the sites seemed to be AV and Spam blockers/fixers. A sense of irony I guess
I replied to you in a PM too.
Hi everyne - it only appears in IE. Firefox (that I use) just gives a blank page once in a while.
We are already working on the issue - hopefully it will be fixed soon (most probably on server side). -
Firefox is also not loading avatars or posted images half the time.
Firefox also does not load icons from time to time.
We are dealing with it as we speak, solutions are beeing devised. Be patient.