Import dxf
I have the problem that I want to import an dxf-file and make faces. But each time i try to import i get an error message which says that this file has an invalid group code and this is no autocad file. I've tried every fileversion 2007/2004/2000/R12 and dxf/dwg. Can somebody help me?? -
Hmmmm, that doesn't make sense if you've tried the file version all the way down to R12.
Have you tried to uninstall SU and reinstall it, incase some file (that handles the import procedure) got corrupted / damaged somehow? Just a thought, except for that I have nothing else at this time.
yes, I've uninstalled and installed.
Still the same message:
"Error opening AutoCAD import file: Can't open file
This does not appear to be a valid AutoCad DWG or DXF file or the file is write protected." -
now it works
Could have been corrupted thanks!!!
Hi man,
wassssuppp ?
i think i found the issue here...
i'm running SU6 and i found 2 issues:
1.Sketchup didn't recognize my path to the folder...
or that it was unable to read my file name (i had some files in Latin language)...
create a "tmp" folder underdrive (i.e. "C:\my_dwg") and export the file (DWG) to there (give it a simple name like "try")and import to sketchup from there.
- when i've created some dwg files i insert unsupported charecters to the Layer Manager... i.e. i had layer which called "table&carpet" or ".door"
and ONLY after removed those illegle charecters sketchup was able to load it ...
hope i'ved help u...
let me know if i didn't and will try to figure something for u.
Shto - when i've created some dwg files i insert unsupported charecters to the Layer Manager... i.e. i had layer which called "table&carpet" or ".door"