A couple of printing questions
I've been playing around with Sketchup for about a week now and am starting to get the hang of it. Being a long-time Photoshop and Illustrator user has me struggling at times. I have been trying to print and can't get it to do what I want.
I want my drawing to completely fill one piece of paper. I've played around with a bunch of settings and can't get this figured out.
I want to remove the blue background.
Any help would be appreciated.
I guess if you tick the "Fit tu page" box at the "Print size" section in the print dialogue, it will scale your output to fill a sheet of paper.
You can remove any backgroun in the Style dialogue box (open it from the Window menu) go to "In model" (the little house icon), Edit tab > background settings.
another tip is to 'zoom extents' this will zoom you in so that the model entirely fills your screen. You can zoom extents by pressing ctrl+shift+e, or its also in the camera menu (might be somewhere else, havent got SU on the machine im using at the moment
ps getting the model to fill your screen is useful because SU prints what your seeing on the screen.