Fuel & Fire Comic Pages WIP
That's really interesting, I've been thinking just this week about approaching a local magazine with a comic / illustrative concept. I had my sketchpad out and tried to reacquaint myself with hand drawing. I hadn't actually thought of including sketchup in the production.
Good work.
I just wanted to add that this is an ongoing process for me, and that the look of the comic might change as I further develop it.
Some things I still need to explore and research:
- Different printing technologies (I'm thinking about some non-traditional binding)
- SketchUp Styles - This is a big one, and will require some serious experimenting. I've read some how to's on creating styles, and they seem simple enough but I just gotta dig in and try it out. In addition I'm gathering some reference to use to help me define the style I'd like to emulate.
- Dialogue text, and bubbles, plus text sound fx. This stuff is going to be tricky, and I want it to look like a traditional comic and not done on the computer per-se. My lettering is poor and I might have to enlist a pro.
- Am I going to use Layout or Photoshop to create each page? It's likely that I'll use both, but how much will I lean on Layout?
- Overall tones and coloring of the book. It's not going to be in color, but the tonal values are just as important. I'd like to create something that I can tweak to further the visual storytelling.
If anyone has any thoughts on this I'm all ears.
Hey Archi! That's cool! I'm not sure I want to go through all that work to color and shape the images. That will take me ages!
I personally like the "flatness" of some of my test images I've been doing. It actually embodies the story theme because the terrain of this world (Earth of the 'future') is flat and dry.
This is just great stuff
Very refreshing to see this extraordinary work and truely great to see real artists integrating SU in their workflow.
Must keep my eye on this one.
Kwistenbiebel -
so how do you think you're going to do the text? i forgot about that portion...
(ps.. i'm a pretty good with lettering
Jason, believe it or not, I wouldn't mind having someone do it by hand. So if you think you're up to it, we should talk. It'll have to wait a little since I'm early in the process, and my mind only has room for 2 things at once, and this is number 5 on that list
But we will definitely discuss!
sounds good, justin.. i'm always looking for something different to do (damn short attention span)
keep the updates coming.
You and me both, brother!
Must... stay on target...!
New versions:
- Hugh model posed in all frames.
- Basic posing of the hero Hunter creature done.
- All background Hunters will need to be added.
- Visual FX not started (smoke, dirt, tire tracks etc.)
- Basic shading will be decided during rendering phase.
During the final render phase and polish in SketchUp (which will wait until the entire book is roughed), Iβll be determining shadow tones, dialogue placement, and any extra rendering elements.
Thanks for the mention in CatchUp Coen!
As I take a breather and review all the work up til now, I still have many questions that need to be answered. Thanks for all the support by you and the rest on this forum. More to come.
Brothers, and Sisters,
MS is pure inspiration.
I've got this whole awesome deal -- time consuming, and of course powerful, but what the Jack bird is new about that?
Durant "I'll draw your mutant little kids then" Hapke