WIP Animation
If I may (I am not sure as to the entire story of what you are wanting to achieve), I normally set my scene transitions to 0 (zero) and my scene delay to 3 (three) that normally produces smooth animations.
Thanks Solo. I've actually been putting the movie together in Premiere Elements. I've been going off of a tutorial that Paul Russam has created, but I'm open to any suggestions.
I think what you have looks great. I never attempt animation in Sketchup anymore after playing around with Vue6, it has ruined me. So now that I see what you have done, I like it, you have done a great job. This is what has ruined me http://www.e-onsoftware.com/products/vu ... layout.php
Hi, sorry I didn't reply sooner but I've been away this weekend.
Changing the speed of a clip:
In Premiere Elements right clip on the clip and select 'Time Stretch...' you will be presented with a dialog. change the speed by typing a persentage value.Remember if the clip is trapped between 2 other clips it will not be able to 'expand' its length so will get truncated to the available length. To get around this, drag the clip to a clear area of video track, change its speed and then rearrange the other clips to make room for it.
On the same 'Time Stretch...' dialog there is an tick box called 'Reverse speed' this will play the clip backwards.You can put in '-' values for the speed eg -25% will play the clip backwards at 1/4 the original speed.
Hope this helps.
Paul, thanks for responding
I did figure out how to do the "time stretch" but what seems to be happening as a result is that the scenes I stretches are jumpy? I did another test exporting as a .m2v and it seems to be much smoother? Any thought on that?
Spence, Vue looks very cool! I've heard about it "around town". I'll look into it more soon. Thank you.
Mateo, great presentation! Thank you for showing it to me. I wish I had more time! Due today, under pressure. I will most likely revisit this one when I've gotten more "seasoned". Thank you for your compliments. My site is in need of a refresh, badly. I think it's been 9mo since I've put anything new up. Shame on me!
Re: the jumpiness. Have you checked the frame rate of your export in SU and in Premier (under 'options' in the animation export window in SU)
29.97 is the standard for smooth animations, but you can get away with less. Also if the frame-rate of the export from premier is different (ie 24fps) you'll get some jumping as frames are missed.
@andyc said:
Re: the jumpiness. Have you checked the frame rate of your export in SU and in Premier (under 'options' in the animation export window in SU)
29.97 is the standard for smooth animations, but you can get away with less. Also if the frame-rate of the export from premier is different (ie 24fps) you'll get some jumping as frames are missed.
I exported at 25fps in both cases... I thought I may have figured it out, but not sure. I added "keyframes", it seems to have smoothed it out a bit but maybe I should add more or maybe there is another way?
Well, the deadline arrived and I just had to stop working on it. I can already see things I'd do differently. Still a bit jumpy
Couldn't figure it out.
Thanks for all your help
I can't seem to get a good connection to that animation. When it's played it's so choppy, it's terrible. It really did come out kind of nice, so I'll keep trying to figure it out and upload it again. Maybe I should try youtube or the file server here?
OK, I think it's finally up with decent quality. It still hangs up a little in spots, I think while it's buffering. When it's starts to hang up I just started it over and it played nicely.
I've already gotten some great info, but I wanted you to see the final that will be given to the client. I want to start offering more of these, so any information is great and helpful. Thanks to all!
That one played much better.
Great work, thanks for sharing.
I saw Your thread Yesterday. The reason I didnt reply
then it is because I couldn t explain it so much in words
but in a form of a similar presentations that I make.
Although Your presentation is a great start I have a
couple of suggestions and tips.
Most of your Animation is apart from one or two
sequences is actually a slide show. Slides,
graphics, transitions, and proper design presentations
can be dynamic and interesting even without or with
very small amounts of animated sequences.
By the way I have visited Your web site on several
occasions and I really like Your work and I think
it would benefit even more if You take this approach .Here is a link to my thread.