Tadao ando interior
Thanks guys,
It's Vray for sketchup. I wouldn't dare to go the 3dsMax route as I find it very complex (even setting a view seems tedious).
VfSU is fun to use when you discover which buttons to touch and which you have to leave alone. Mostly that second thing is important.
I only touch about 5% off all the buttons it has....and to be honest, the other 95 % scare the living sh*t out of me.
Some people often say that only unbiased render engines like Maxwell, Indigo and Fry can produce physical correct light...but in my opinion it's very easy to get 'fake' results as well with those engines.
More and more I like the benefits of biased rendering (Podium, Vray and Kerkythea) over the unbiased ones. Once you see the joy in rendering with those you don't want to get back to the annoying render times of unbiased.(unless you only do exterior views)
As for Kerkythea, I hope development on their biased engine (improved color bleeding ?) continues as to me it has more potential than perfecting the unbiased engine cause the market is getting crowded in that department and it will take several years before hardware technology (for the masses) will make the render times (interiors) feasable.
Great renders Kris, as always.
How many rendering engines do you have for SU. And are the prices justified. Do you see that much difference between them?[stuckon3d]
Great renders! The only question mark for me is the gloss on the concrete surfaces.
Yes, the gloss is a bit exagerated and the bump map could be improved as well.
The original concrete panels are coated so they do have a glossy appearance seen from a tangential angle.The thing I enjoy the most about making these renderings is learning how the light get's distributed and I agree that texturing in general can probably be improved to obtain more photorealism.....But sometimes the 80% effort one has to invest to make 20% improvement...well you know
Thanks for the remarks.
Kwisteniebel -
@kwistenbiebel said:
VfSU is fun to use when you discover which buttons to touch and which you have to leave alone. Mostly that second thing is important.
I only touch about 5% off all the buttons it has....and to be honest, the other 95 % scare the living sh*t out of me.
Obviously I'm still stuck with finding the right buttons to touch and which to leave alone...
I bought the VfSU back when it was released, but found it too "buggy"... Perhaps I should spend more time on it...!?Cheers for the "heads up"...!
Kim Frederik -
Those are more amazing renders Biebel!!
You inspire me to put in some non-billable hours and check out VfSU!!...
Currently I am using Indigo and would want to compare render times.
Vray quality and Indigo quality seem quite compareable to me (in able hands both can help create magic - so it seems to me!) But I am not too happy with indigo render times!
Is this Ando project downloadable somewhere?! It would nice if I can compare same (simple) model on both plugins. -
Good Idea Irsuser, I would like to test it with Vue inf and Modo.
I didn't model this myself.(Michel from Pushpullbar did
You can all download the Sketchup file yourselves here:
http://www.pushpullbar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1790I am really curious to see results made with different render engines.
Could you post the results here? -
kwistebiebel, you are the master.
Anybody who moves around with such facility between programs is truely a master.
You work is wonderful. Congratulations on all of your hard work Kwiten.only one question. What are your machine specs? I'm so curious
Ypnos -
Hear, hear...
Kwisten you the man..
You need to get a site for all your work.
On another note, can you send me the skippy? as I cannot access pushpull thingy to get it.
The link for the Ando skp is further down the page on the PushPullbar Forum. It's not the link in the first post.
this is amazing work;-)))