House I built.
Nice job, Eric. Looks like a mansion in Newport. Is this thing going to actually be built, or is it your "retirement house"?
Great detailing and good eye for colors. Keep us posted...
WHOA!!! Holy c**p!! Eric, I'm utterly blown away! That's one impressive "house" model (what an understatement!).
Beautiful detail inside and out. Exquisite, Eric! I was astonished with the exterior detail...then I saw the interior shots with the library and curves and painted ceilings! Wow! Thanks for sharing!!
I'm curious; how much time does something like that take to complete?
- CraigD
Thanks Craig, nice to hear your comments.
I worked on this off and on for about 9 months. It has gone through as many changes as I have opened the model. (floor plan wise) I also controlled the floor plan in cad at the same time. About half of the modeling time the design architect was sitting in my office looking over my shoulder. The clients spent quite a bit of time looking over my shoulder as well.
Right now, job is on hold but the owner will build someday. Estimated cost is $6 Mil with current materials cost... but that is just an estimate.
mind if i give one of your pics a go at a watercolor? i'm in a practicing mood.
Oh, please do. I would love to see it and get a workflow.
What a fantastic project to work on Eric. That is such a great test of various SU skills which many buildings do not use.
It is certainly not my taste in architecture, but is still an impressive building.
Did you model the internal iron balustrade?Dylan
Dylan, I modeled most of it. The ornate part was a transparent image painted on but all the verticals with the knuckles are modeled.
Canoek, I saw your process for the watercolor on the log cabin so I retract my request for the process but anticipate your watercolor on this house.
Man I love it
Do more, more more more.
I printed out your workflow from the other thread and I am going to try it out today on another image. -
cool. post it here please, please please please.
Sweet stuff! Wow.
Canoek, great water color!
I know you're not complete on the project, but I have one question. The house itself is grand, yet the interior shots you've shown feel confined. Was there a reason for this? Am I missing something?
Canoek, I have not had an opportunity to try a rendering yet.
monsterzero, I think the field of view and the high ceilings may be deceiving. The great hall is quite large. The kitchen opens up into a large dining room with fireplace. The library is a bit small but overall the house has some grand rooms. 5 Bedrooms all upstairs as well as a double office. Downstairs, the great hall, a theatre room, gameroom, library, formal dining, casual dining (with fireplace) and a grand entrance with a view clear up to a stained glass dome just beneath the "bullseye" window as I like to call it.
All this for a couple, a mother in law and no kids. But again, the job is on hold. -
Where did you get the plans to my house! haha
If you ever feel the need to have that Rendered, and are allowed to share the model, I'd love to take a crack at it!
I would love to but I can't release the model yet. Boo Hoo
everytime I look at this house... I'm just in awe... it is the SketchUp House for me. nothing I've seen (next to Paul's church) showcases the abilities of SU like this.
kudos to you Boo.
Thanks Kris.
Thanks Coen.
Nino Alavarez, I am not sure.
The columns are a mix of things I got on the old forum, pieces I made and the heads of the corinthin columns came from a russian 3ds website I stumbled upon. I used the same head for the round columns and square pilasters... I just squished them into submission.I got the Ionic, Doric and Tuscan orders from the old SU forum.
Thanks again for the comments.
Great model Eric! I would love to see this fully detail textured and lit. The painting on the ceiling reminds me of some of the rooms and hallways I saw at the Vatican. From the point of view of a humble artist, I must say this image really fascinates me, I mean the thought that this is an actual place in the real world, just makes me want to say woow! Awesome dude! :thup: