Hi Sally and welcome to the forum. I like your
design and would like to see some more pictures.You are most definately a Pro SketchUp User on
completing the hotel designMike
Welcome Sally!
I was thinking the same as Mike: nice, clean model...and the design forms are lovely! Yes, please, more pics!
Best, Tom.
I love the reversed flying buttresses... I also like how the middle eastern architecture is blended with contemporary lines it is so elegant...
I would love to see some interiors...
and welcome to the forum...
Hi Sally, nice work and welcome! Very interesting design! Reminds me a little bit of the tower at the Bahrain Formula 1 race track.
Keep up the good work with SketchUp and please post more pictures of your work.
- CraigD
Nice work! Welcome.. I'm a bit new myself, the atmosphere here is great!
Hello Sally
Alan -
Welcome Sally. Very nice. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
What year are you in at school?
Nice building Sally. I would like to see some more views.
Oh, and welcome.
Yes, I'd say you were relatively quick...and thanks! The back view was an especially nice surprise. Tom.
Yes, I am pleasantly suprised by the back side as well. Thanks for adding more.