Remote Assault Tank
Hey Guys,
Here is a remote control assault tank I’ve been working on. I sports a high caliber mini-gum on top and two rail cannons on both sides of the main turret. Each of the four tracks are powered by electric motors inside each track assembly and can rotate independently based on terrain. It can also raise the guns total height by rotating the tracks on its tips. I’m calling her a R.A.T. (Remote Assault Tank). What do you guys think?
This was something that pop in my head and thought that it would be a fun project to do. Hope you guys like it and of course your comments are always welcome.
Well post more pics later....
You need to render that cool rat in a war scene, and maybe a sewer one too.
that could get you a defense contract with the US Government...
Very nice. How long did it take you to model?
That's just to cool!!!
That's way cool Danny!! I hope I see that in Halo 3!
Keep up the good work! ..and then post it here!
- CraigD
great piece of work
TomPosted by: tom yong
Amazing work Danny, I love it!
awesome! "Coming to a war near you!"
Sweet Work. I get this Image in my head of an operator in Texas siting at a both, looking at a monitor as the RAt crawls into a cave the operator uttering the words. “I would like to introduce you ta my little friend.”
Looking Forward to the “K” rendersPosted by: Director Bob
Danny awesome stuff! I remember you posting this on that other SU forums!
I came across this today: -
Hey MZ, Thanks as always. I noticed you have been a busy bee yourself. Keep up the great work and keep making those great tutorials we all love. Yes! I have seen that armed robot some of my inspiration from that but at a bigger scale. I want to render this but I'm still on vacation and none of the computers around here have SU loaded on them. Bummer!!!
I'm ready for a new project but I'm still deciding what I want to do, have alot fo great ideas but I'll have to wait till I get back home. I'll keep everyone updated soon.
@Director Bob, You changed your avatar...looks good.
I have to put one up myself too.
That's so friggin' aweomse! Makes me realise I have a long way to go
Wow! This is nice!!
Thanks guys, glad you like my little RAT. If you like this one try to find my Gundam Mech I did that was my very first detailed project.
@Matsuo, keep it up and you will you will get their. Even at this level I'm still learning and with the help of the guys and gals here you'll get their too.
Great SU work.Not great -amazing.
Impressive modeling, mustve taken quite a while I have respect for that. High Poly I assume? How many if I may ask?