Happy Birthday Todd Burch
@unknownuser said:
Happy Birthday Todd!
A Ruby spanking for you on this special day.
45.times{|x| puts "spank " + x.to_s }
puts " and one to grow on"Brad, my happy ruby friend. Did you run that code? It's got a bug! With the #times method, x will be 0 through 44.
Have a great day Todd
Happy Birthday. Enjoy your day.
Todd, I know. I was testing you, I'm in QA...always testing.
HBD Todd have a good one!!
Here's a recent picture taken of me and Connie at a wedding. Ain't she cute? I married up.
I'm feeling very 45 today. Not sure that that means! The good news is, I got German Chocolate Cake!
Congrats Todd, hope your day was fantastic...
I cannot be certain but by the last photo you posted, you look sooo familiar, have you attended any BOMA meetings in Dallas?
No BOMA (whatever that is) meetings in Dallas. I look like a lot of people, so I've been told. I like to believe I look like the better looking ones.
Happy 45th, Todd!!!! Have a great day, week, month and year.
Hope you had a great day, all the best Todd.
p.s. you don't look 2 days over 44
Better late than never!
I read you had a good day and just want to wish you many many more like that.Patrice