Tragic crash...
Edson, I hope you and yours were not involved in this awful crash. Sounds like a similar disaster lies waiting at many airports around the world. My best wishes, Tom.
hey, tom. thanks for caring, really.
we are safe but did you realize the flight originated from the place where i live? hence more than a 100 people from this province lost their lives in the crash. i knew a couple of them personally and several others by name. i can hardly meet someone who is not related to some of the dead. since tuesday porto alegre is noticeably sadder than usual.
well, life must go on. cheers.
This is so sad. Edison, I will pray for the families and all involved in this tragic event.
thanks tom, bruce and eric,
the way i see it this tragedy was not a freak accident but a consequence of the fact that brasil is not yet a real country but a populated lansdcape. what i mean to say is that things here do not work as well as in north america and europe (yes, i know you have problems too, but I know from personal experience that your countries do work) as collective organizations.
it probably has something to do with the fact that brasil was, for centuries, a place to be exploited. even after we became independent some colonial mentalities remained. the old elite, who used to be at the service of the colonizers left a terrible legacy. until today we feel it; it says "grab as much as you can no matter what", "do not care for others, just for yourself", and so on.
thus our governments have not really tried to build a country. something gets done, of course, but much, much less that what could have been done. thus corruption, thus poverty, thus unemployment, thus crime, thus neglect of fundamental public services, THUS TUESDAY'S TRAGEDY.
lest this becomes too somber, i should say i am an optimist in the long run (human intelligence will prevail) but have no hope this will happen in my lifetime.
best wishes to you all.
Edson, I am very sorry to learn of this tragic loss of life. I hope that at the very least, this event may cause change and indeed improve what otherwise would have gone unchanged. Perhaps with this pain will come some progress.
My thoughts are with you.
- CraigD
this coming out now... plane supposedly had bad brakes...
nobody knows yet but bad breaks is too gross a reason to be true. those guys follow international standars of maintenance. people are talking of problems on the brand new runway, too much speed on landing, etc. but something was amiss, that is for sure.
So sorry to hear you were indeed so closely involved with this awful event. Unbelievable sudden sadness...?The initial news report here indicated hydroplaning was the culprit. The new runway wasn't sawcut to limit this (as many around the world aren't), and it was 700' shorter than the 7,000' considered minimum for the aircraft type (as many around the world are also). They showed (on our PBS) evidence the pilot tried to steering the plane into the grass without success (I understand many airports provide concrete crash bunkers to slow the plane quickly and contain the damage...supposedly saving the passengers as well).
Unfortunately we won't hear anymore about this unless there is more awful news, so please keep us posted on what develops if you can.
My best, Tom.