Animated gif war...
@tomsdesk said:
Edson, the gif animator program I have automatically adds the number of transition frames you choose between the start and finish frames of a movement sequence. Once you get into the thought mode of the program it's pretty easy to start having fun.
Lol what program is it? That looks neat.
Not meant to start a war, just think it's funny. (no pun intended there either with the war bit)
Flash Editor, SWF Editor, Flash Maker, Easy Flash Software to Make Flash.
Industry-leading Flash Editor and Flash Maker. Edit SWF directly or make Flash from scratch with this easy Flash Software. Powerful Flash creation & vector drawing tools.
whats kris saying? whats kris saying??
I use(d) Ulead's Gif combined into a Corel product that I think does the same thing. If you can find a download of the old one you'll find the interface really easy.
Best, Tom...
"It's never too late to be what you might have been." -
I know what he's saying...
men who live in glass houses should not throw rocks...
Kristoff Rand
-Unique Custom Home Design- -
Don't know how to make a animated gif, but just had to comment. Solo, that dancing Edson has me laughing all morning, I'm sure Edson has better dance moves than that.
hey solo, nice work. i do enjoy myself dancing. do you mind if i use it as an avatar?
edson mahfuz, architect
I once made these with AutoCad
These just keep gettin' better and I'm gonna have to make some new ones (when I get time :`)
Best, Tom...
"It's never too late to be what you might have been." -
I didn't make it, but it's my favorite.
Here's one I made -- it was crudely drawn intentionally just to see how a sketchy animation could look. That's the way I type...
Regards, Ross
Again, I did not make this one but it is great.