I have a model of a curved building. at one end it starts with a true N,S,E,W orientation, as I get to the other end of the building it is at an angle of aporximatly 25 degrees. I am trying to get several elevation views using the preset buttons. I changed my North angle but when I click on the preset elevation buttons it gives me the original orientation. I thought that by changing my North angle these presets would change equally. Is there another way to do this or am I missing a step.
Hi Perk, hi folks.
Right click on any face and choose "Align view" in the contextual menu.
For curved face, show hidden geometry and right click on the facet that you want facing the viewer.
Just ideas.
Thanks Jean
I thought there was a simple solution. -
Using the "align view" worked but now I have another problem. It wont let me scale my image in the print dialog box. This only happens when I "align view"
This is true - SU will print to scale only in the default viewports. You will have to rotate your model to get the faces properly oriented. You can duplicate the whole model and put in on a separate layer (to control visibility), then make scenes with the various viewports.
Paul is right with the scenes and it is a very good tip because you can have different axis sets in different scenes (they can be updated separately).
The standard views are aligned to the axes, not the north orientation. So in order to have a different "scaled" elevation than the original front/left etc. you may consider changing the axes. Note that SU will remember the original global axes so any time you want to go back just right click on an axis line and "reset".
Changing the axes will not work for printing to scale -- you must rotate the model around the default axes. -
OK, thanks. I know some features do not change with the axis change (they stick to the original global axes) I didn't remember this was one.