Setting items specific distances in 2d space
I am using SU to model simple road construction details. I draw location details in 2d - curbs, poles, station marks etc. My question is: How can I locate two items some specific distance apart or a specific distance from a reference point? A simple example is two lines. I draw one line on the green axis. I want to draw another line 6 FT to the right of the first line. How do I know where 6 FT is in relation to the first line?
I have been drawing dummy lines for measurements and then deleting the dummy lines. Is there a better way?
Thanks -
There are a couple of ways but the most simple is to copy the line parallel your desired distance:
Draw your first line then get the select tool and select that line. Get your move/copy tool and hold down the ctl key (you will see a plus sign next to your tool). Click on the line and then start moving the line in the direction perpendicular to that line. You can now let go of the ctl key and type 6' enter. You will see the VCB at the lower right of your screen. Value Control Box.(you can press ctl more than once and see the plus sign toggle)
Another is to create a construction line. Draw your first line. Get the measure tool and click on the line and drag perpendicular to the line and you will see a dashed line "pull away". Again type 6' and enter. Then you can draw another line on the construction line. When you start the line you will notice it "snap" or infer the endpoints of the first line.
Now for some real fun, copy the line, type your distance and enter. Then immediately type 3x (or 4x or 5x...) to copy multiple lines the same distance. Or type 4/ (or 5/ or 6/... ) to divide the distance you entered by that number.
Have fun and ask as many questions as you need to.
Oh, and welcome.
Edit: Check out the GSU tutorials link here as well. Start with the Previous SketchUp 5 Videos first. #3 on the page.
Thanks for the help Boof. That's exactly what I needed.
"Boof"...this will be remembered! :`)
EDIT: Sorry, tallman, teasing Eric...not you.
Tom, is that the sound one makes when they are hit in the stomach... "Boof!" followed by
tallman, glad I could help
You're going offtopic here guys...
Eric, finally you could make use of the one smiley no-one could imagine when to use... Tell Edson, too!