Web Dialogs and SkIndigo - made for each other...
@unknownuser said:
...I have made some progress with KT materials in SU2KT3.0 but I am still far behind you
You just don't stay behind too much, Tomasz, will you please?
great work Whaat !
Have you used DHTML or do you have your own .js? How big your additional js/css libraries are?One thing is annoying in your script for multi rendering programs users
When double click on material in SU material editor your SU2IN windows pops up.
What if I would like to add my own? I know it is convenient but maybe right click - edit Indigo mat?
Just a thought.Thanks
Tomasz -
On a Mac, what Quick Time codec do I need to watch this AVI? I tried DivX and that didn't work.
@unknownuser said:
On a Mac, what Quick Time codec do I need to watch this AVI? I tried DivX and that didn't work.
Sorry, Todd, I'm not sure. I made the video with HyperCam2 (cool program by the way) and it was set to automatically pick the type of compression. I would first try Cinepak codec by Radius. Or, it could be Intel IYUV, or Microsoft Video 1. It is definitely not DivX or XVid, though. If you figure it out, please post. Thanks.
I am simply stunned....This again is some super coding.
So Skindigo is getting this kind of professional GUI?
Amazing......Material assignment by just clicking a mat from your indigo mat browser. Cool
sliders for reflectivity etc....cool
Easy acces to presets (metal, plastic,etc...).(by the way, people should download the big avi to see all those nice details).
Great work Whaat! I think this will make a lot of people want to use the indigo-sketchup combo as the workflow seems superb!!!
Very nice! Love how dynamic the dialogs are. How did you do the html layout? Any java script libs used?
@cphillips said:
Very nice! Love how dynamic the dialogs are. How did you do the html layout? Any java script libs used?
Everything is hand-coded in html (including the layout) and I created my own simple javascript functions for everything except for the sliders. The sliders are a very light-weight (22kb) javascript library from WebFX. They are actually quite easy to implement.
I am amazed at what can be done using basic HTML and javascript. For most web-dialogs, there is not much need to download javascript libraries. The code for these dialogs is actually fairly simple. The dynamic "hiding" and "showing" is done with this type of javascript:
function setVisible(page_id){ document.getElementById("output").style.display="none" document.getElementById("tonemapping").style.display="none" document.getElementById("camera").style.display="none" document.getElementById("environment").style.display="none" document.getElementById("advanced").style.display="none" document.getElementById(page_id).style.display="block" }
This code hides all of the major <div>s in the render settings dialog. Then, the last line shows the <div> with the id that was passed as an argument to this function.
This is a great resource for anyone wanting to learn this stuff. There are lots of interactive examples.
http://www.w3schools.com/ -
@unknownuser said:
One thing is annoying in your script for multi rendering programs users
When double click on material in SU material editor your SU2IN windows pops up.You are correct. I knew this might be a problem for some users. It will likely be changed when the new GUI for SkIndigo is released.
It's amazing job what you both have done, I hope you could find a nice non conflicting way to assign materials. I am sure where are plenty of us who like to have opportunity to use multiple rendering programs. Even greater it would be if there was some kind of common material editor... but that might be too difficult.
search for flip4mac
@unknownuser said:
On a Mac, what Quick Time codec do I need to watch this AVI? I tried DivX and that didn't work.