Greeble plugin for Sketchup?
Is it possible to make greeble script compatible with Sketchup?
Is an interesting feature that is available on a lot of 3d programs as a plugin.
I attach an example imported into sketchup.Daniel S
These kind of things are very useful for making your architecture look like a Borg spacecraft!
[Lewis Wadsworth]
I would use it for stone...
We have "Faces randoly"(Extrudes faces randomly within an interval) in PROJECTION EXTENSION.rb(Bur's site)
Possible, yes. Don't expect anything too fancy - there's too many variations. The image is not quite matching your example image, but not too far off. Give me a few days to play with it.
This is showing a level 2 greeble. A level 1 lifts the face and scales it down slightly creating the tapered base. Level 2 adds the random quadrilateral to the top of the base.
Wow! that was incredible fast Jim! Thank you!
I wonder if it can start the first level from a not regular subdivision surface?Daniel S
I would love to have a greeble ruby !
It would make life much easier as you could 'hard model' bumps (stone walls,bricks, pavement, etc....)
That would render much better than just applying a bump map in your render engine...Would it be possible that the 'entropy' of the greeble can be somewhat controlled?
e.g columns and rows, random placement and rotating of elevated surfaces with fixed sizes, etc...I could see this evolve in a full blown ruby plugin that has lot's of possibilities in the architectural (and photoreal rendering) field.
Maybe combine it with an automatic bevel option? Just an idea...
Jim, here is a link to an GNU open source version of Greeble. Might be worth checking out... -
gotta love guys like Jim, and RickW and Todd and all the others here in the Ruby area... who hear our ideas and run to bring them to life...
@pixero said:
Jim, here is a link to an GNU open source version of Greeble. Might be worth checking out... for the link. I'll be looking into it. I've found there's a lot more to greebling than what I initially thought.
The greeble plugin is for [url=]AC3D[/url:2l0bva71]. Has anyone used it? It has some nice [url=]features[/url:2l0bva71], at a nice price.
I have model for surface testing [url=]here[/url:2l0bva71]. If you have a surface you'd like add, send it and I'll add it to the model. -
Jim... these should help break up the monotony
Hi guys,
new kid on the block here.
I included a little image i'm working on and having a script like that you have made my life so much easier than modeling each of my tile floors one by one.PS: you guys rock, thank you so much for your help and contributions.
@stuckon3d said:
Hi guys,
new kid on the block here.
I included a little image i'm working on and having a script like that you have made my life so much easier than modeling each of my tile floors one by one.PS: you guys rock, thank you so much for your help and contributions.
Holy cheese puffs, is that image pure SketchUp? It's fantastic.
@jim said:
Holy cheese puffs, is that image pure SketchUp? It's fantastic.
The modeling is 100% SU and the render was done in Podium, however I'm still in the modeling stage, I have not even started with the texturing and lighting yet. This is just a press the "render" button render in Podium, all I did is change the time of day.
If you want to see the progress of this image here is the link where im posting them.
Anyhow, sorry guys did not mean to deviate from the main subject. So... yeah, having a plugin that could do tiling like the floors I modeled would have saved me hours of work, because its not just that you have to draw the lines of the tiles on a plane, but you have to create randomness, then an offset for each tile and them extrude the inside of the offset at various random heights (that was the easy part thanks to "tigs" script (thanks man). So let me tell ya, that was a lot of button pushing.
Hi Stuckon3d,
Good to see you on this forum as well man
I believe you just proofed that this kind of greeble concept can be very useful to Sketchup. -
you know this script is going to be awesome for stone work...
it's looking great.
I can't wait to see this, thx Jim.
any update?
@aceshigh said:
any update?
I haven't touched it, unfortunately. I wish I could be more definitive as far as a time-frame. Give me a few days to clean up and release what I have.