Ruby Scripts
I've been searching the web for ruby scripts, and there's about a million of them. So, I was wondering: what would you all - the experts - recommend a) for everyone and b) for architects?
This is a really tough one, I guess we all use different ones and work differently.
I would suggest going through our Ruby Forum and see what grabs your attention.I will recommend one of my favourites to use for architecture and hopefully others may join in and suggest more.
Go here and try TIGs Roof.rb - A really useful ruby for creating various types of roofs. -
I remember a thread from before we lost some of the SU Forums about this. It was about "what scripts you use mos" or something like that and it was quite interesting.
Not being an architect myself, I cannot really give you advice on what an architect should use. It also depends on your workflow (whether you import CAD drawings to start with in SU for instance).For different tasks I use different scripts and this keeps changing from time to time. I even have a whole bunch "disabled" all the time for I know they are great and that I'll need them some time - I just don't use them at the moment.
The roof.rb is definitely a great one for an architect...
Here it is Gai.
There are some great suggestions there.
Oh damn - I thought it was in the "lost" SU forum. Great it's been transferred from the "Ruby Discussions" - thanks Eric..
Now "WEB", you can have some insight what people use.
Thanks for the pointer to the Most Used Scripts thread. Lots of interesting notions there.
I particularly liked the menus idea, as it seemed to me that Plugins was going to get awfully cluttered. I know next to nothing about Ruby (I don't want to, either. I spent too much time customizing AutoCAD. Now I want to design and draw in SketchUp.) but I was able to discern the structure and to customize it for myself. I was even able to hack out a way to make a heading and a faux separator at the end.
I can see using Roof so often that I don't want to have to go through the extra step on the menu, so I left on it's own under Plugins.
Bur's layer_manager_extension and projection_extension look to me to be so useful that they should be integrated right into SketchUp.
Shapes also seems like it will be important.
As time goes by, I expect to refer to that Most Used Scripts thread again and again.