Page layout styles
I dawned on me that I could use styles to help with picking a view.
What I've done here is to create a PNG that is A3 in size/proportion with a 20mm boarder. I've divided it vertically and horizontally into 3rds (rule of 3rds) and popped in a couple of diagonal lines.
The style is the default SU settings with the image as a watermark over the model space.
My intention is to use it to pick/setup the view then switch to another style before saving the view.
I've attached both A3 landscape and A3 portrait.
It sounds innovative- is this to allow you to export images to scale at specific paper formats or is it to allow easier/better artistic composition of images?
More about getting the composition right, trust me I need all the help I can get.
Ahh... I just rely on "if it looks right it is right" method.... for better or worse!
Thanks Paul, I'II have a look at these. Looks like an
interesting idea.Mike
Hi Paul, just wondering how you did this....?
Was it just a vector file that was saved as .png?Thanks in advance....
Andrew -
This is interesting Paul, could it be used as a sort of scale paperspace?
This is genius! And greatly helps me with similar I am experimenting with . . I am convinced that 'Layout' can be acheived within Sketchup itself . . .