Gingerbread House Challenge
As suggested in this so humble a thread
A competition to test the skills and the head
SketchUp must be the only tool
To make something that is so very YuleWe propose this holiday to construct a house
Small enough to please even a mouse
Made of candy, gingerbread and pastry
An abode of love that is ooh so tastyThere will be three judges
I tell you no lie
The esteemed panel consists
Of me, myself and IModerators please allow
This thread to be sticky
For we know not how
It seems to be trickyYou may render up your fine creation
For eye candy only, otherwise libation
Though lovely as renderings can seem to be
Modeling prowess this challenge shall seeChristmas Eve is the time we have set to decide
A winner to show off with glee and with pride
The prize? A warm fire-side feeling insidePlease post your submissions here in this thread
Candy houses decked with sugar’d gingerbread
The Eve before Eve you should post your abode
Then we will eat them all and pray not to explodeWho can enter? We say anyone
Except for the three of us
That would spoil the fun
Members, moderators, administrators all
No one will be left out of this auspicious callSo a competition we have laid out before this community
Presumptuous we may seem as we lurk with immunity
Post your creations and have loads of fun
And you can even enroll more than just one -
I will enter
if time permits;
But only if Willy plays
and not merely sits. -
@unknownuser said:
Moderators please allow
This thread to be sticky
For we know not how
It seems to be trickyDone - but let's see the results now!
I'm not a poet, but I'll have a try.
If this model wins, then thats really bad,
I only spent five minutes, if you ask why.
But in it goes, a winner might be had...And in plain English: This is a very crude model, but there has to be a first contestant in every competition, so let's get this going!
By the way, why is this in the components requests forum?
better get to work!
@unknownuser said:
...This is a very crude model, but there has to be a first contestant in every competition, so let's get this going!
By the way, why is this in the components requests forum?
The strangest thing happens when you press play in sketchy physics: All the gumdrops flip upside down, save for the ones on the left of the roof. Then ALL the roof ones fall through the roof. though I know why that happens, I cant figure out why almost all of them invert, and even more so, why not all of them do that. -
@unknownuser said:
By the way, why is this in the components requests forum?
It was my stupid idea to create the "Requests" as a main forum and the CMS forums as subforums under it. We'll shortly change this.
... So the reason that the gumdrops fall is that I created them as the sketchy physics capsule creating tool, and then copied them after flattening and enlarging their bases. The reason that they invert is that their collision geometry doesn't change when you mirror (flip along ___ axis) groups. I still don't get why you even thought to play sketchy physics on it though.
I thought I would hit play because I saw that the ground wasn't much more than the default floor object created with SP. First thing I noticed actually. So off went my mouse hunting for the play button and sure enough the gumdrops flipped.
@tomsdesk said:
I will enter
if time permits;
But only if Willy plays
and not merely sits.An entry from Us would not be wise
As We are the judges for you guys
A contribution We will make
To help you with your cookies or cakeHis name is Jerry
And oh is he very
Good with small sweets
Like kiwi strawberryHis work is well known
A confection contractor
He even appeared
One night on Fear FactorHe is strong, well mannered
And so very handy
With his pretzel hammer
And tools made of candyFor cutting and sawing
Not hemming and hawing
For help with a ladder
Or ‘corn ceiling splatterWith butter caulk icing
In his tool belt
He’ll seal your house tight
So nothing will meltIn need of more help
With all of your work?
Just copy him left
And name that one DirkIf you copy to the right
You can name this guy Fred
You simply cannot go wrong
With his skill’d gingerbreadIf you copy him back
Name that new one Steve
Just keep a tight eye
‘Cause he likes to leaveCopy one to the front
Give him the name Gruber
He’s just what you need
A real master rooferJerry has a fine friend
Named Peabody Longfellow
He was lovingly made
Out of two big marshmallowsHe’s not that much help
As you will find out
Lest you melt him down
And use him for groutHave fun with your houses
As much as you can
Just try not to eat up
Our gingerbread man
For help from this worker
You’ll find he’s real quick
Here on this small image
You’ll need to mouse click -
Here is my entry:
Quick render in Kerkythea as well:
And finally the SU file:
click here! (it comes in at about 2mb as I got a little carried away with modelling the icing joints etc)Enjoy!!
And so we have
Our second submission
Bring on some more
No need for permission -
Tom, the model you must share
So our judging will be fair -
I like potatoes,
and ketchup made
from tomatoes.Sorry, but my english is very limited...
This challenge submission,
for all to see,
a tasty confection,
for you from me.
Oh yeah...
Darth Chocolate's revealed,
I now know the name,
not ever...though years,
could you guess the game;
(but know for a fact,
it's well met and the same). -
My model sits large,
and moves like a barge,
But I added the link,
'cause I don't want to fink;
It's certainly not tasty,
since completed all hasty,
And the pieces sublime,
are not much of mine.But post it I do,
as my challange to you! -
Oh Dark one
I'm in on this one
The icing is hard
but as you can tell i am no bard. -
The eve before eve
Is upon us and how
So make your submissions
Five hours from now