Google Image Search
OK, I gave you top billing on the RPS Wiki.
Hopefully, (in a few weeks), it will help your Google search score!
Thanks Al! Say, how do I get to that Example Page on your site?
I meant to edit it and add the link - but I got tied up eating dinner.
Your web sites have links to the PDF files. You may want to try embedding the PDF file in a web page. This lets you put other items on the page, images, instructions, links, etc..
The user can navigate the PDF file directly from the web browser, rather than from Adobe Reader.
See the sample here:
The code to embed the PDF files is basically this:
<EMBED src="" width="700" height="500" href=""/>
Al, check this out ..
Google Image search for Torii Gate Plans
Your entry is third! After only one day!
Actually the Torii image has been there a long time. The new images are not in the Google search database yet.
If you want to find out if a page is in the search engine, use a site search. ( rest of search) (You can do a site search for images, or on the full web)
For instance, searching for: torii (URL: finds the page, but searching for dojo does not find the new stuff.
This shows that the three new images and links are not in the search database yet.
Similarly, searching the SUC site for "Moon Gate Page" does not find this thread.
If you have ftp access to your root directory, you could even use a Google sitemap to let Google easily find your images. You can get more info (and get started) here.
Thanks for the link to Google Webmaster Tools. I had registered one of my sites before, but added the other two.
I added Enhanced Image Searches (which i presume you have done already).
And now I am having fun seeing which external web pages link to my web pages.
Thanks again...
Al, do you also keep updating the sitemap, too?
I know it's a hell of a job with dynamic websites but at least the main pages... -
I looked briefly at the sitemap stuff, but I'm not sure how to implement it for a Forum and a Wiki, which are our main sites.
I need to look around on the web to see how to make sitemaps for Forums and Wikis.
Sorry Al, not getting notifications!
Oh, I've got your 3D.PDFs scattered all over my site!
I'd appreciate any links from your are a few ..
Dojo PDFs on this page
Japanese Gate
Moon Gate