A Fun Little Game, Continued...
Granted. You decide you want a Spice Girls CD but you come to realize that really your Wife's Aunt shouldn't be giving you anything as you don't deserve her generosity. You never-ever reciprocate with any gifts for her. To make up for your past selfishness you sign over your car to her and consequentially suffer through a expletive-filled tongue lashing from your wife who now has no way to get around thanks to your "selfishness".
I wish I could change my name to "Dash Riprock".
Granted, but this is how it shows on your license:
- RiprockI wish I could stop complaining.
Granted but you can know without being killed, to offset this knowledge you are not Kevin the tea boy's lacky.
I wish that i could think of a music cd i want from my wife's aunt for Christmas
Granted, but the effort to hold it in is a strain. Your co-workers enjoy seeing you suffer so and bother you with petty annoyances all day. Finally, the effort becomes too much, and you spontaneously combust. The moral of the story: it's not good to hold it all in.
I wish I didn't have SAD and so introverted.
Granted. Now you have SUAD and you need to have the sun turned on at all times when working in SU or you get depressed. You also get depressed because having the sun turned on slows your models down.
I wish I could shop for Christmas without shopping.
Granted, but personal shoppers do not work for free.
I wish I knew what to tell my family what I want for Christmas (that they could afford).
Granted but you get loads of copies of the Spice Girls Greatest Hits and one copy of Sketch Up for Dummies http://www.amazon.co.uk/Google-sup-%C2%AE-SketchUp-Dummies/dp/0470137444/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1196255119&sr=8-1
I wish that when i get home the sealant around my bath has fixed its self.
granted but the sealant has become rogue and sealed all your house doors shut so you can't get in.
I wish I could stop promising "drawings by Friday"
to people when I mean "you'll be lucky"
Granted, But now you have no clients to draw for.
I wish I could figure out my lighting in kerkythea
Granted, but your so overcome by the brilliance of it your blind to everything else.
I wish someone would give me a stereo for Christmas, so I can listen to the Spice Girls while reading SketchUp for Dummies.
Granted but somehow the spice girls cd and sketchup for dummies book got switched and now your listening to sketchup for dummies narrated by the spice girls while reading a book of the spice girls lyrics.
I wish the hide and erase buttons wern't so close to each other. DAMIT
Granted, now there is only an erase button. But now you know that anything which you have made into a component is still saved in the components menu and you have set up hot keys to do your hiding and erasing so that it doesn't matter where the buttons are.
I wish I could find the last five pages of the document I need my boss's boss to sign by the end of the day or I'm going to be in hot water with the legal department.
@schreiberbike said:
I wish I could find the last five pages of the document I need my boss's boss to sign by the end of the day or I'm going to be in hot water with the legal department.
Granted but now nobody can find a pen.
I wish I did not worry so much.
Granted, but your worrying has been replaced with paranoia. We're all out to get you.
I wish the wind would blow all the leaves (and just the leaves!) away to someplace I don't have to deal with them.
Granted but the continuous howling wind is driving you crazy and makes your life unbearable.
I wish my home computer were faster.
Granted your computer is now a HAL 9000 series, much faster, but at the same time he is obsessed in finishing your work ( AKA the mission ), and the biggest danger to your work is you, so he constantly tries to kill you now.
I wish my avatar pic worked.
Granted. Your avatar is a small white rectangle.
I wish I wake up faster in the morning.
Granted but you soon tire of being woken by a bucket of ice cold water, not to mention the associated illness that plagues you.
I wish that I could teach sketch up and adobe program all day instead of doing my normal boring work.
Granted but you teach squirrels and well, it just does not seem as satisfying as you thought.
I wish I could get these components finished quicker.
Granted, but upon seeing how quickly you get them done, your boss believes you can get twice as much work done in the same amount of time.
I wish, hope, and pray that the stores aren't too crowded tomorrow night when I do my Christmas shopping.