No "snap" to a 90 degree angle?
ive noticed that when trying to make a 90 degree curve using a guideline on each of two axis that its almost impossible to get a perfect 90 degree angle, even the tangent snapping doesnt quite get it right, and it shows once you start using the follow me or push pull around edges, then try drawing other objects off of the 1/4 rounds. the angles always seem to be just a little bit bigger around than 90 degrees of a circle. leaving one prt of it actually slightly higher than the line it connects to.
there is a way around this in that I would make a half circle (since it does snap to that) and then divide it at the midpoint of the top segment, but thats a whole bunch of extra work.
Is there any way to make a 100% accurate 90 degree curve other than the long way i described? Because it seems like i wind up using them alot. -
For a quarter circle I don't use guides, since I have pure control with endpoints...but either way: If cutting a 90deg from either a half-circle made with the arc tool, or whole circle with the circle tool, make sure the number of sides of the arc (or circle) is divisible by 2 (or 4)...then the angle of the terminal edge is the same on both ends.
If you use the arc tool method below, any number of sides will do and the angles will be the same.
Once we had a quite long and exhausting discussion on tangenting arcs in the Free GG SU Forums here: me, the very last conclusion was (that is relevant here) that SU does not tangent* to guide lines.
- I think there is no "verb" like this but there should be
- I think there is no "verb" like this but there should be
well they arent guidelines as far as SU is concerned but they are actual lines drawn using the line tool. But even if i make two lines exactly 1 inch long and along the red and green axis, i STILL dont get an accurate 90 degree angle out the tangent... oh well, ill give that method posted above a shot.
Can you post a picture of what you are wanting to do? (worth a thousand:`)
Using the method above i now get accurate 90 degree rounds, thanks!
Oh, and that was using the arc tool, the angles on either side would be equal, but it would always be lightly more or less than a perfect 1/4 circle. I dont know why it doesnt make them properly, but ill just stick to cutting a half circle, since its fast enough for my liking.
I was just attempting to make a perfect 90 rounded edge on all edge of a box for example, but they would always be slightly more or slightly less than 90 degrees, meaning they wouldnt flow smoothly into the faces. but, i learned another trick, so problem solved. Thanks for your concern though.
here is a couple images of my problem, which i just realized im still having.
Using the arc tool creates angles that are equal on either end, but the problem is the end segments are not parallel to the lines they are connecting. The makes for a troublesome corner when trying to use follow me to pull a curved face around a curved corner.
this leaves me with a inside corner that isnt exactly 90 degrees.
Is there an easy way to make sure these end segments are parallel to the lines they connect?
An odd number of segments gives me an arc where one end meets up parallel. but using a number that is divisible by 2 or 4 as someone else pointed out gives me two angles. I dont know how to best explain it. -
Here is another image of the same problem. I can make it work if i drag the curved face around a corner with a smaller radius, but i want the very top of the curved face im pulling to line up at the very edge of the corner.
For example, it works if i make a 6 inch arc and pull it around a corner with a 5 inch radius. but then the 6in curve clips through its self, leading to alot of clean up. I need to pull a 6 inch curve around a 6 inch corner for a clean edge, but it messes up on the very inside corner which im assuming has to do with the last two segments in the curve.
There is a reason for those end segments not bein parallel: they are kind of "parts" of a whole circle and if they were parallel, the other segments of the same circle should be parallel, too thus two segments would be on the same line which is not good with a circle.
These arcs are "tangent" that - in theory - means they "tend" (or what) to the line (to 90 degs) but never "reach" them.There have always been problems with SU when it comes to extruding a curve around a corner for instance - and this seems to be exactly the same glitch.
hmmm, what i dont get is why it doesnt work when the arc being extruded and the arc being followed are the same, but when they are different it works perfectly.
I imagine in 99% of cases this doesnt matter though, I was working on a sig for the Playstation Forums and In the end you cant even tell to begin with:
Since im in here and have your guy's attention, is there a way to do custom render sizes in kerkythea? If i could do a 500x150 render for example, that would speed things up a bit when it comes to making renders for people.
When opening the render dialogue in Kerky, at the "Resolution" dropdown there are the default "sizes". Simply overwrite it with your custom resolution (I have just tried out and it worked).
That worked wonders, thank you.
And sorry for coming in here 5 times a day with questions, i pretty much just use SU and Kerky and you guys know both of them alot better than i do.
Well, there are a lot of things I don't know either - especially in Kerky.
You (me, most of us) just learn something almost every day... -
Ha, but i still got a long way to go to catch up with you folks.
Considering I am more than twice as old as you, we can still put it this way: you have the time, man...
Haha yeah I would agree with that.