Ancient Roman figures
One thing that I (and others working on Roman buildings) would very much like is to get hold of some reasonably convincing figures to use for statues - men in togas like the gentleman below, ideally, for the sort of places I'm making. A Roman emperor or two would be even better. Does anyone happen to know where such things can be found, please? A while ago I found a really lovely Minerva on the SketchUp forums, and if there's any more where she came from that would be wonderful.
Once I found an incredible site with lots of 3ds meshes of antique statues (among others). I just cannot find it now again (stupid me - did not bookmarked it) but I'll try again; I'm also interested in them.
If you can find it, I'll be most grateful. It sounds perfect. You didn't make copies of any of the statues, by any chance?
They were all in 3ds and 3dx (?) formats. As I believe it was in my office where I use a very slow and weak machine therefore didn't really tried to download too many of them. If I cannot find it here, I hope I have the link in there.
Matthew, I ran across this site a couple years ago. Glad I bookmarked it. Like Gaieus said I believe all these are 3DS Max models. Now I don't speak Russian as this site is in Russian but you may and furthermore there are pictures. Me like pictures
There seem to be some of what you are looking for on the front page.
I hope this helps.**Edit:**I also noticed that when the front page loads only a few of the pictures load and I see a bunch of red squares. Well if I select one of the picture links and then back up to the front page, all the pictures load.
Mat, I got it. Unfortunately not too many Roman sculptures but some at least. There are some Greek and Renaissance Italian too - along with a lot of "decor" stuff.
The only problem that only a few are in 3ds (which can be imported into SU) the majority is in 3dx but if you have someone using 3DMax Studio or other software which can translate the formats, it fine.
Before I forget, the link is here:
go through all the "dekor" pages. The images hardy download so sometimes you need to guess.
I downloaded one and made a quick Kerky render of it, enjoy;
I've also uploaded the skp file (just don't attach for it is too large):
Cross-posting again...
Thank you both; that looks great. Not many Roman men that I can see (though some women), but much that could be useful.
Many thanks for looking that up and passing it on.Matthew.
You can also use Jesus Christ in his toga-like clothes as a Roman (at least from the distance)
If you have something that you need eported from 3dsMax let me know...Glad to help out..