Hello Everybody!!!
I did it! I registered!! Wow!
Hi all!
Great site! I like it.
Regards from Spain
Hi All:
Coen and Gaieus, I am very impressed with the new format; accessing personal info (profiles, etc.) seems so much more intuitive. It is such a relief to have to an organized (as well as a visually pleasing) forum in which to communicate .... I am so putout by so many of the other user group forums which are so hard to follow.
I haven't had a chance to fully explore the forum options. Will it or does it have the ability to display a "Tree-ed" structure?
@jclements said:
Hi All:
Coen and Gaieus, I am very impressed with the new format; accessing personal info (profiles, etc.) seems so much more intuitive. It is such a relief to have to an organized (as well as a visually pleasing) forum in which to communicate .... I am so putout by so many of the other user group forums which are so hard to follow.
Hi John,
Glad you made it here (I got your PMs...)
Well, first of all the increased security, the compatibility (with later versions) and some extended features are the cause of this move - not really the look. But of course it was also a fun thing to "tweak" it so that it matches some people's old feelings as well as it has some funny, "sketchy" elements.
Credits to Coen though...@unknownuser said:
I haven't had a chance to fully explore the forum options. Will it or does it have the ability to display a "Tree-ed" structure?
I'm afraid that's not possible - as a reference here not the tree use but these quotes can be used (when answering posts way above the last one).
Nice job!!!!
I like the look.
Glenn -
hello y'all,
Thanks for all the great efforts SCF. Nice work guys. It is good to be here & everything seems to be working well. -
Just registered, Like the look; easy on the eye, but also involves more scrolling.
FYI, I hadn't noticed until Guite pointed it out.
I noticed the same thing about the buttons, and I PM:d both Coen and Gaieus about it.
Where is everybody? Can someone nudge, Gidon?
Any body been in touch with Grant Marshall?Joe Wood, are you here?
Susan, here he is:
http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=92 -
Good, he's my special bud.