3ds Max finish for SU model
thanks gai
the firm that i work for does work in all 50 us states and porta rico
and the client that i work for dont like there work show to alot of people but mostly the local jurisdictionsboo i wish my work was half as good as most of the stuff that people on here have shown
mike d -
@gaieus said:
...virtual travel in time, interactively etc. We just need to find the ways...
Honestly, when I saw that animation I thought of this book by Michael Crichton which was eventually made into this movie.
Like most, the book was better than the movie but the movie was still decent. If you get the chance get the book. -
Mike... I have an e-mail address...
of you could post and delete... we would understand... but I know how the client thing goes...
and on your note about Rogers...
I have a prject going out at Champions or the Pinnacle, whatever you like calling it... it's the PLP Corporate home... 6500sf of party house...
I need to come down and take some photos...
sorry I can't talk to you now, I'm in medieval ages in your movie...
you'll need to send a royal messenger if you want to talk...
I would love to see more... I really dig the old architecture.
Well, two more animation tests then...
Some more "in the finish" (entourage and "life" still to be added). Some fog (and global light) was also added to avoid too sharp contours and shades.
Ah yeah, and the buildings are modelled from inside, too. Ribbed Gothic vaults and such...
Some more contributive comments, Eric?
A WIP is usually seeking helpful critiques! -
Well seeing as how I have not even attempted any photorealistic renderings I don't have much of a basis for critique. I will say however, you might want to water your grass
Well, this is supposed to be late summer early autumn (fall) so the yellowish grass is OK.
However those blossoming trees kind of seem to be weird at the same time (of the year) so - see - there is already a contributive comment that brings thoughts into my mind!
Thanks, buddy!
Gai, These are all just lovely!!! I've always wanted to go to Hungary... now I'm hungry for Hungary
can't wait to see the finished website. Thanks for showing.
Unfortunately most of these buildings are gone by now (though we have other ones - and most of the town walls are still intact). Yet the city is still nice, check this sightseeing tour out!
gai - excellent!
where the walls hit the ground: you have a gradient from dirt to grass. how did you do that??? i really like the gradient, that there is no apparent border...
Those are amazing, excellent work.
As Eeva asked I too would like to know how you got the wall and ground plane to blend so well.
As for the procedural planes, did you make them yourself? are they sourced? if yes, would you mind sharing a link to them? -
eeva, solo, thanks...
As I said above (http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?p=554#p554) the render is not mine. The SU model (that I made) was "dressed up" with materials/entourage in 3DS Max so the transition is due to that program, not to SU (and my special skills).
I only originally textured the model to give the guy a clue how I imagine it. It's a kind of co-operation (though I'm beginning to be a newbie in 3DS Max already)
But could you believe that the SU model (which also included trees and bushes - and the buildings are also modelled from inside) is no bigger than 7 megs?
I couldn't have handled it otherwise - on my current, slow machine...Solo, what procedural plans do you mean?
I was refering to your ground textures, they look like the new 'Crysis' direct x 10 engine style. Age of Empires 4 (if it ever gets made)
As I said, a "colleague" of mine is doing the rendering stuff. I can't really follow what he's doing - I was the modeller he is the renderer.
For good rendering you need good modeling so dont be shy
Excellent work Gai -
Thanks Ivica, in fact, true, I am more interested in the modelling part (also by "profession") so I'm not "shy"
I also "play around" with rendering a bit, try out this and that but I will never become a 3D artist in this field (especially having seen some of you guys' renders here).
Enough for me is that when we work together, I can criticize (well, "comment" and "suggest") things and tell ways what should be done to change the model/render and that I know (more or less) whether it can be done or not. That's already a big help to the guy I'm working with for dealing with a total amateaur can really be a problem sometimes (I guess a lot of you know that feeling).
Gai, thanks for the site. The pictures are great and what a history!! It's a beautiful city