Unable to import dxf files
I don't know why this has suddenly started happening for me, I just get "Import Failed" on screen when I import dxf files in exactly the way that I have done for years. I tried going back to SU2023 and the same happened there too. Has anyone got any suggestions as I'm in real trouble if I can't resolve this.
@grizzler To add a bit more detail to this, the dxf files are generated by the Moasure measuring device which can then be exported as a 3D wireframe dxf via gmail, whatsapp, messenger, dropbox etc, but apparently there are issues with gmail suddenly deciding that they don't like dxf files any longer so they aren't allowing them to be transferred fully intact which then leads to an error message in Sketchup.
@grizzler Have an example to share?
@Glenn-at-home It's resolved now Glenn, apparently there's a new version of dxf that Sketchup doesn't like so I just reverted to .dwg file format and it's fine.
@grizzler Glad that you got it sorted