Alphabet to sketch(up)
@ntxdave said:
I figured out my mistake and it was so elementary that I am beyond embarrassed to admit what it was.
My comment was related to drawing in Krita
Yes I understood that!
Else if by hasard you open the Particles 9
Else more than we can imagine in one life!
(just scroll)
Thanks, Pilou for the link, there are some amazing results. Although in some cases the relationship between the significant and signifier is so that discerning the "Alphabet" is hard.
Also, I am doing the final touches on my book and hope to be able to share it.
P.S. here is the link to some pages of the book. Sorry for the low quality: -
It would be much appreciated if, please give me some feedback on my book!
Very cool beginning if you go up to "Z" ?
Original exercice with constraint! -
Thanks for your comments, Pilou!
Shared pages are parts of the book. The book already covers A-Z and some extra tips. It is up to 180 pages... -
Tips are on improving the sketches...
This is the type of thing I have been playing with/trying in Krita and have been doing a horrible job.
The good news is that I could spare some time to finish the job and, the Kindle version of the book is released:
You can read it forr free on Amazon or support me, buying it.
A higher-quality pdf version soon will be available on sketchucation shop , hopefully. -
Does this an "auto edition" or a classical one ?
What do you mean by Auto edition, Pilou?
You are your own Publisher
@pilou said:
You are your own Publisher
Ok then, yes I am! -
I am developing a letter "B" sketch in Blender 3D.
Me likey
Drawings on paper or digital painting ?
I am developing one of my paper sketches as a 3D model in Blender3D which is a challenge to me ( I do not feel comfortable with Blender yet)
I advise you of a new Nurbs prog Plasticity who is released the 5 april 2023!
And who is very smart! Perfect for artists, designers, architects...
Very more easy than Blender!(but not free 99$ )
Direct modeling and a pure true geometrical drawing... a circle is a circle and not a polygon!
it's a Ferrari!
You have also Moi3D who is a Rolls Royce! (export SKP)(290$)