Pull material name to parameter (i.e. Instance)
Dear Everyone. Could you help me with an advice or script/plugin?
I need to automatically pull name of the material name into Instance Parameter of every group and component (both have it).
I mean the name of the material that is used on top of each group/component (not specific materials for each face).This would be useful as it would allow to AutoText label material name in LayOut (actually labeling Instance Parameter).
Workflow: after completing a model in Sketchup I execute a script / plugin that goes through all groups/components in model and writes Instance parameter with main material name. If I need an update, I update it manually by running the script again.
Outcome: I can use a material library with material names / symbols for objects - mainly furniture, then extract those names and put them into a parameter that can be labeled, and then label them with AutoText in LayOut.
Alternatively material name could be stored as a dynamic component text parameter, but this approach needs to first convert all groups to components first, and then adding this parameter to each of them.
Can You please help me (and many others) with that? Thank You in advance.