Drawing register master
Hello all
I have been looking to stream line my work flow and keep everything super organised. I have a excel drawing register at the moment but I would like to pick your brains to see how you guys do it ?
I want to create a master register that includes all drawings. This includes personal projects, work projects and side hussle projects. I am thinking of creating a new folder which will be used to store ALL completed drawings and the register will be in this folder to.
I am thinking of starting a new number sequel also that is general such as 001-2021 or something like this where I can just pick the next number for a drawing. I don’t work in a design office but I am a project engineer and do a lot of drawings for my schemes which need to be referenced into h&s documents so I need a system I can use generic numbers.
I don’t want to have a scatter of drawings everywhere, I want to be able to store all completed drawings in one folder that can be found easily which includes personal projects also.
I would be interested in how you guys do it also any tips for me to get a nice system going.
Thank you
I could see an advantage to this for typical details, or details that can be modified for the current projects. Engineers that I work with seem to have a numbering system, almost every detail in the drawing has a number below the title.
I think it would be useful if the number included the year it was created or modified, or an abbreviation for the job it was used in, for custom designs.
I don't consider it useful in my work, the way that details and drawings are usually one-off. I can find work by saving in the computer under the project name.