Try s4u8 Align Toolsby SuForYou
Thanks you for this plugin
If anyone interested, another tool for that matter.
http://www.eltallerconstructor.com/distribute-objects-sketchup-plugin/ -
Don't see plugin folder just ifcplugin with DLL files, exe files and config files in it.
Install it from here: https://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=Q_JS_Align
Hi All, before I spend many hours playing with this cool plugin.. Could someone with experience with it give me their advice if this plug in will "solve my problem"? My present problem is that I have hundreds and hundreds of rectangular faces (There all suppose to be at the same Z height). The problem is many of them are rotated ( + or - ) .01 degrees from each other (For Example). So when I make a rectangle that connects between the four corners of 4 different rectangles... It does not make a rectangle. Could I make one of these existing rectangles "Perfect" where all 4 corners are at the same Z height.... And then use this plug in to Pick "bad" rectangle and "say" align to good rectangle and all the corner Z heights of the "bad" triangle will now match the "good" triangle?
Thanks !!! Mattee
(PS right now the OCD has taken over and I am manually fixing each rectangle one at a time !!!!) -
It sounds like your rectangles are not all parallel to the ground plane?
If you are talking about 2d rectangles, yet rotated slightly in the z axis, you may want a plugin like "flatten vertices", I forget if that's the right name. But the objects would have to be ungrouped and they would not be true rectangles when flattened out.
If they are grouped rectangles, This tool will not change their orientation, It would only align top bottom or middle of each group.
If all the geometry is ungrouped, I don't see how this plugin would give a useful result.
Thanks, you just saved me hours of time traveling down a dead end road!
PS there are no blocks, all lines and surfaces are all on the same layer,
so nothing to explode, just no consistent z height for all rectangles. -
Thanks, works perfectly,
i test it on sketchup make 2017 to align 2 circles. I started a longtime ago on another 3D software so, maybe i am more attentive on this kind of tool.
Q JS Align is definitely that you must have to be precise. I make a vase, an amphora : an object where circumference is necessary.Maybe i get lost a bit but i discovered by chance Sketchup when i was on Hammer, ( another 3D Soft). I would like to build house or something like that. But quickly i get started in a crazy project with 17 century architecture. I don't know if i'm gonna integrate it in a level design... etc...
Have a nice day users from Sketchup and thanks to CadFather.
I'd love to have a version of this plugin which respects group's local axes over world's (model's or global axes or whatever it's called).
Currently, if I select nested geometry and try to align it, it will align according to world's axes. In my opinion, more logical (and useful too!) would be relying on group's axes, because right now, if the whole group is rotated (so its axes don't match world axes) and I open it and align nested entities, they will be aligned incorrect in relation to group's bounds.Also, when aligning groups it would be nice to have choice whether aligning takes geometry into account (current behaviour) or just origins of groups.
This plugin also has a problem with losing selection after performing UNDO.
I know this is an old script but perhaps somebody would take it and include any of these improvements.