โ ๏ธ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below
No Drag and Drop Import in 2013?
Not doubting that Dave. I just don't believe that I've been "lucky" 100% of the time on every PC I've ever used or owned. I asked a while back on a Acad forum I help mod and no one there has had to right-click to install anything either. I believe that most of these issues are self-inflicted by the users. I've helped people with computer issues for years locally and it seems at times that they are purposely trying to muck stuff up
I drive drunk all the time but have never crashed, therefore proving that drunk driving is not only ok it is in fact safer than driving sober.
People that do crash while driving drunk must have done something to their cars to make them faulty.