Plugin developer - Harmonization of plugins
un guide des interfaces utilisateurs de plugin pour avoir une harmonisation de ceux ci. En l’absence de guide chaque développeur fabrique une interface à sa sauce. Avec pour résultat des accumulations ni belles ni fonctionnelles.
A guide of plugin user interfaces to have a harmonization of these. In the absence of a guide each developer makes an interface to his sauce. The result is neither beautiful nor functional accumulations.
a great subject ,one I have many ideas on and I am collecting related posts. the reality is SU is
a very interactive program ,I refer to that as "good flow" thats between my mind and the next
action relavent to tools and menu's. As programs get older they seem to loose this,and become
cluttered , therefor act now, . There is some connection to a China plugin managing plugins ,tho
this to on second brief look was a re worked mass toolbar,, I am working on the idea of chosen Master Tools that carry any user chosen combination as a drop-down, each drop down button can subsequently carry any related tools or the rest of it's plugin collective[user choice], the only help I have found to keep my toolbar minimal as an example is the animator,prefereces allows user to select buttons to show on toolbar , the others are available when in use anyway,, , the plugins still reside in the tool shed or on line ,,there is another post somewhere with a small active user tool-kit attatched ,by choice, to the current tool ,,similar to hot-keys ,,and fast edit numbers,,Jon,,,so far