Render challenge on the Twilight forum.
Hey Mike, I tried to find the challenge on the Twilight site, no luck.
Love your interior, the strange floating bench worries me tho -
Thanks mate, the background is hdri and guesswork. I have a render cooking with a grass skp which may or may not work.
OK, the 'challenge' is here .
More of a see what you can do with it.
The render below has a small grass model at the base of each leg of the bench, it might disguise the floating appearance.
Wow Mike your work has certainly improved big style since my last visit to the forum
. The problem with the bench is it's dimensions (IMHO) the seat depth in particular.
Thanks John, the bench is quite old but I checked the depth, quite surprised to find it nearer 20 inches than 14 I would think right but right on the money from online sources. I know weird.
I started thinking that if this was my space, what would I want? Well a more comfortable seat than that high stool for a start, how anyone can read perched on those I do not know. I also added skylights and some form of music system. The reading area would need some protection from light so the shades/blinds moved to provide this, meh.
That looks far better.
Thanks Bryan.