Is there any material UI plugin?
As titles
I work as interior designer and I used sketchup+vray to show my ideas
I found it quiet difficult to adjust or manage my material with default UI when models growthFor examples
I used black for table and chair, naming black_metal 1 & chair_black
When I finally confirmed material, I have to changed it to same drawing code in CAD materiel list
such as MT-01 represent metal material no.01; PT-02 represent painting no.02But I can only see two black square in default material UI
I cant make more tags or classification
Materials sometime duplicate with different nameIs there any plugins look like layer panels or layer managers but for material
I can use folders to manege my materials
-165fwsdf <-materiel come with models from others
-dsader<Metal> <-folder with custom name
-MT-01 <- materiel I create or re-named
-PL-05or maybe put in folders with group/component name ?
<Table> <- group name
-MT-02 <- material used in this group
-PL-05(Thx for your patience and help )