I have a file that is mostly 2d CAD 2006534 edges, 110256 faces
File size 40 Mb
I can't do a single operation without it pausing in between and I'm thinking of moving it over to AutoCAD Lt for the future
I have purged kept it clean turned anti-alias down and I'm using a fast style
anything I can do or is the edge count ?
Sketchup 19.0.685
Windows 10 fully updated
i9 processor geForce RTX 2070I have a dual processor server machine with 96gb Ram and it's the same on that
I can't post the file as it's commercially sensitive
Close all trays, disable all extra options in edge style, shadows off. Your stuff must be close to origin
Holy shit thanks !
Also grouped geometry seems to work faster than loose edges and faces. Make sure you have turned off Profiles under edge styles. And shadows OFF while modelling.
A few days ago I posted a new little script that creates a simple clean Style without all the different edge styles. You could try that as well.
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I regularly work with SketchUp files that are up to 700 mb big without much problems.
Thanks Pix. How does your script differ from having a style in your user collection? Does it automatically set other things such as no shadows.
It sets the background to white and turn of all the edgestyles.
I didnt add shadow as that is something the user turns on and off. -
Any tips for making Layout faster as well ?